Internet Governance: Landscape Compiled by Dongman Lee KAIST
TOC Internet history What is Internet Governance ICANN: past, present, and challenges ICANN and ITU Korean Internet Governance Remarks
History of Internet
Players of the Internet IAB IGF
Domain Names RFC 1591
Root Zone Management DoC NTIA - ultimate owner –Managed by IANA –Operated by ICANN (RSSAC) –Maintained by Verisign
RIR IAN) -> RIRs -> ISPs & end-users Number Resource Organization (NRO) -> ASONumber Resource Organization
Internet Governance Wikipedia –Internet governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet Internet –Bottom-up & multi-stake holder Consensus-driven end users, experts, commercial orgs, non- commercial orgs, government, etc.
ICANN: Birth IAHC (International Ad Hoc Committee) –Formed by ISOC, IAB, IANA, ITU, WIPO. and INTA in 1996 –Released a report on gTLD-MOU in 1997 Transition to a non-profit org –Green paper in 1998 by Ira Magaziner “a reasonable and orderly transition" to a new nonprofit organization, notionally labeled NewCo or the new IANA –White paper in 1998 by US DoC NTIA "an ad hoc coalition of professional, trade and educational associations representing a diversity of Internet stakeholder groups"
ICANN: Birth ICANN established in Oct 1998 as a corporation under US law 1 st meeting at LA in 1999 –Ratification of a proposed agreement between ICANN and NSI
ICANN: Structure
ICANN: Timeline 2000: new gTLDs introduction –.biz,.info,.museum, … –Controlled expansion –UDRP 2009: untie legal binding with DoC –No direct control by DoC –Really? … IANA 2012: unlimited and multilingual gTLDs –No more strict population control –URS & Trademark clearinghouse –Many loopholes..
ICANN: Accountability ICANN’s regulatory activities –Price setting: base price setting for DNs –Registrar/Registry accreditation –New public offerings: new gTLDs –Power of enforcement: dispute resolutions → conflict with governments and inter- governmental organizations
IG in Korea Government led cooperation, Role Expansion 2009 – Current : KISA Legislation – government takeover 2004 – 2009 : Address Law, NIDA Independent organization established 1999 – 2004 : Operated by KRNIC Civil society led cooperation 1994 – 1999 : Operated by NCA Academic Community Led 1986 – 1994 : Operated by KAIST assigned KAIST operates DNS 1988 Academic Network Committee 1993 KRNIC established assigned KAIST operates DNS 1988 Academic Network Committee 1993 KRNIC established Civil Society Civil Society Private Sector Private Sector Government Sector Government Sector Academic Society Led 1986 – 1994 : KAIST operated
NCA operates DNS ANC becomes KNC 1998: RFP-KR documentation Begins ANC becomes KNC 1998: RFP-KR documentation Begins Civil Society Civil Society Private Sector Private Sector Government Sector Government Sector Civil Society Led Cooperation 1994 – 1999 : NCA Operated
KRNIC established, MIC (Ministry of Information and Communication) overlooks KRNIC Policy: NNC, Namecom Civil Society Civil Society Private Sector Private Sector Government Sector Government Sector Independent Organization 1999 – 2004 : KRNIC Operated
KRNIC becomes NIDA (National Internet Development Agency) NIDA reports directly to MIC 2008: MIC becomes KCC NIDA reports directly to MIC 2008: MIC becomes KCC Members of the related councils Civil Society Civil Society Private Sector Private Sector Government Sector Government Sector Legislation – government 2004 – 2009 : Address Law
NIDA merges with KISA (Korea Internet Security Agency), expands KISA reports directly to KCC Internet Governance Forum begins Central role in implementing kr IDN Internet Governance Forum begins Central role in implementing kr IDN Civil Society Civil Society Private Sector Private Sector Government Sector Government Sector Government led cooperation 2009 – 2012 : Merged KISA
Implementation of IDN ccTLD Discussion within KISA advisory committee Discussion within Internet Governance Forum Government recognized the need for a multi-stakeholder model Composed of members of former NNC, the civil society-led effort Substantial discussion on relationship between ASCII IDN TLD, registration policy, whois policy, reserved names, etc. Significant influence on the implementation of. 한국. Internet Governance in Korea at Work
Makes us weary Negative Aspects Loss of community voice Multistakeholder model not sustained Positive Aspects Government recognition of multistakeholder model Voice of national soveignty strengthened Governmental Legislation and Participation
A New Player – UN? UN WSIS (2005) –Should ICANN or U.S. gov control the Internet? –Freedom of expression? –Separate funding pool for the technology gap [digital divide] between richer and poorer nations? -> evolved into IGF
ITU and WCIT WCIT (World Conference on International Telecommunications) 2012 –ITR revision –Security included except ICT –Implications Developed vs Developing
Remarks Develop Korean IG best practices –Balance between partnership and auditorship Active participation in online and offline IG local & international activities –KIGA IIC –ICANN GNSO NCSG & ALAC –ISOC –IGF
References Society_ICANN.pdfhttp:// Society_ICANN.pdf /wp-content/uploads/ICANN-Reform- Establishing-the-Rule-of-Law.pdfhttp:// /wp-content/uploads/ICANN-Reform- Establishing-the-Rule-of-Law.pdf