- Broad terms - Avoiding technical jargon or abbreviations – May specify a function rather than a part or a materials
Engineer: a spring Patent specialist: an energy storing means
Engineer: a transistor Patent specialist: Semiconductor switching device with a control electrode
Engineer: a toy ball Patent specialist: Spherical object with floppy filaments
Engineer: a ball bearing Patent specialist: A plurality of balls
1. PCT Resources ( 2. WIPO Patent Drafting Manual 3. How to apply for a European patent – A step-by-step guide to the grant procedure, EPO ( 4. Patent teaching kit: Protect your ideas ( _teacing_kit_en.pdf) _teacing_kit_en.pdf
Acknowledgement note: Special gratitude to Kristina Lyu, a Lead IP expert, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for working on the design of the lecture presentations and for being the first attentive listener of the contents