The Team John Rogers Team Lead Computer Engineering Conrad Stockstill Electrical Engineering Will Gray Computer Engineering Jackson Cornelius Electrical Engineering Kenny Bertucci Electrical Engineering Brad Killen Electrical Engineering
Dr. Bryan A. Jones Education: ◦Ph.D., Clemson University, 2005 ◦M.S., Rice University, 2002 ◦B.S.E.E., Rice University, 1995 Research/Fields of Interest: ◦Robotics ◦Real-time control system implementation ◦Rapid prototyping for real-time systems ◦Modeling and analysis of mechatronic systems
Outline Competition Overview Design Constraints ◦Technical Constraints ◦Practical Constraints System Overview Approach Progress Timeline Questions
Competition Overview
Design Constraints
Technical Constraints NameDescription Size The robot must initially fit in a 12” x 12” x 12” area and cannot extend more than 8” in any direction. Navigation Must be able to complete the course objectives without any human interaction. Color SensingMust distinguish between four different colors. Omnidirectional MovementWill be able to move in any direction. Load Capacity Will be able to store and transport 8 large blocks simultaneously.
Practical Constraints ◦Health and Safety ◦Manufacturability/Sustainability
Health and Safety ◦Flammable, pressurized, hazardous gases or liquids are prohibited ◦No projectiles of any kind are allowed
Manufacturability/Sustainabilit y ◦Will be constructed in two separate platforms ◦Top platform will identify and collect blocks ◦Navigation platform will provide transportation ◦Will be designed such that future teams can reuse the navigation platform
System Overview
Approach Microcontroller Block Handling Block Handling-Platform Motors Navigation Alignment Wheels
Microcontroller PartProsCons PIC33/PIC24 28 pins Already have more than 10 Lack of community support Arduino UNO Adafruit motor shield allows control of 4 different motors with less circuitry Code libraries frequently corrupted by open source community Raspberry Pi Can program in Python Good community support Wireless programming Limited number of pins
Microcontroller PartProsCons PIC33/PIC24 28 pins Already have more than 10 Lack of community support Arduino UNO Adafruit motor shield allows control of 4 different motors with less circuitry Code libraries frequently corrupted by open source community Raspberry Pi Can program in Python Good community support Wireless programming Limited number of pins
Block Handling TypeProsCons Carousel with Crane Multiple approach angles possible Able to pick up 16 blocks at once Must move slow to prevent losing blocks Mechanically Complex Moving Crane with Storage Bins Easy to sort Crane allows for wider range of block movement Slow collecting blocks Requires exact alignment Mechanically complex Block Guides and a Single Arm Easy to manufacture Not reliant on exact alignment Cheap Requires 10 motors Requires 8 color sensors
Block Handling TypeProsCons Carousel with Crane Multiple approach angles possible Able to pick up 16 blocks at once Must move slow to prevent losing blocks Mechanically Complex Moving Crane with Storage Bins Easy to sort Crane allows for wider range of block movement Slow collecting blocks Requires exact alignment Mechanically complex Block Guides and a Single Arm Easy to manufacture Not reliant on exact alignment Cheap Requires 10 motors Requires 8 color sensors
Block Handling-Platform Motors PartProsCons 100:1 Micro Metal Gear HP 10 x 12 x 26 mm 2.2 kg/cm torque 3 – 9 Volts Only requires power connection $13.55 per motor 180 Degree Servo 13 kg/cm torque 4.8 – 7.2 Volts $9.99 per servo 40.7 x 19.8 x 43 mm Lacks full degree of rotation Requires a signal as well as a power connection Continuous Rotation Servo 2.5 kg/cm torque Volts $8.20 per servo 23 x 12 x 29 mm Requires a signal as well as a power connection
Block Handling-Platform Motors PartProsCons 100:1 Micro Metal Gear HP 10 x 12 x 26 mm 2.2 kg/cm torque 3 – 9 Volts Only requires power connection $13.55 per motor 180 Degree Servo 13 kg/cm torque 4.8 – 7.2 Volts $9.99 per servo 40.7 x 19.8 x 43 mm Lacks full degree of rotation Requires a signal as well as a power connection Continuous Rotation Servo 2.5 kg/cm torque Volts $8.20 per servo 23 x 12 x 29 mm Requires a signal as well as a power connection
Navigation TypeProsCons Dead-Reckoning Simple algorithm to implement Low cost Inaccurate over time No auto-correction Wall Following/Proximity Sensor-based alignment Fairly accurate Requires additional sensors Vision-Based Camera-based alignment allows for best ability to reorient robot Near-perfect alignment possible Programming requires high complexity visual processing Raspberry Pi Camera has narrow field of view
Navigation TypeProsCons Dead-Reckoning Simple algorithm to implement Low cost Inaccurate over time No auto-correction Wall Following/Proximity Sensor-based alignment Fairly accurate Requires additional sensors Vision-Based Camera-based alignment allows for best ability to reorient robot Near-perfect alignment possible Programming requires high complexity visual processing Raspberry Pi Camera has narrow field of view
Block Alignment TypeProsCons IR Sensors Simple algorithm to implement Most accurate at less than 3 ft Blind spots caused by signal loss Ultrasonic Simple algorithm to implement Blind spots caused by signal loss Most accurate at distances over 3ft Camera Near-perfect alignment possible Requires high complexity visual processing
Block Alignment TypeProsCons IR Sensors Simple algorithm to implement Most accurate at less than 3 ft Blind spots caused by signal loss Ultrasonic Simple algorithm to implement Blind spots caused by signal loss Most accurate at distances over 3ft Camera Near-perfect alignment possible Requires high complexity visual processing
Wheels TypeProsCons Treads Most Stability Distributes weight Can only move in two directions Difficult to repair Mecanum Wheels Movement along all axes Excellent side-to-side movement Excellent incline handling Requires 4 motors Heavy weight Less efficient in directions besides forward and backward Wheel-Ball Bearing Combination Forward/backward/rotation movement Only requires 2 motors Less stable movement Impossible to move sideways Omni Wheels Less expensive than Mecanum wheels Omni directional movement More efficient in directions besides forward and reverse Requires 4 motors Requires near perfect angle measurement Less efficient forward and reverse
Wheels TypeProsCons Treads Most Stability Distributes weight Can only move in two directions Difficult to repair Mecanum Wheels Movement along all axes Excellent side-to-side movement Excellent incline handling Requires 4 motors Heavy weight Less efficient in directions besides forward and backward Wheel-Ball Bearing Combination Forward/backward/rotation movement Only requires 2 motors Less stable movement Impossible to move sideways Omni Wheels Less expensive than Mecanum wheels Omni directional movement More efficient in directions besides forward and reverse Requires 4 motors Requires near perfect angle measurement Less efficient forward and reverse
Progress – Navigation Platform Demo platform for navigation testing Wheels and motors controlled by Arduino using Adafruit Motor Shield Moves in all lateral directions
Progress – Block Handling Platform Designed and printed block guides Created platform for the guides Printed racks and pinions Designed motor mounts for rack and pinion systems
Timeline AugustSeptemberOctoberNovember Research and Purchasing Programming and Planning Course Construction Improving Design Working Prototype
References [1] IEEE SoutheastCon 2016 Hardware Competition Rules. [2] Raspberry Pi 2. with-quad-core-cpu-1gb-ram-same-35-price/ with-quad-core-cpu-1gb-ram-same-35-price/ [3] Arduino UNO. [4] PIC24/PIC33. [5] Mecanum Wheel Set. [6] Harzard Symbols.