Unit 5 Journal Prompts
Unit 5, Week 1, Day 1 “Penguin Chick” Write a paragraph persuading people to visit Willow Cove. Persuade: to convince people to do something
Unit 5, Week 1, Day 2 “Penguin Chick” Describe a place you’ve visited that you think is interesting or special.
Unit 5, Week 1, Day 3 “Penguin Chick” Imagine you had a chance to interview a scientist who just returned from Antarctica. What would you ask him and why?
Unit 5, Week 1, Day 4 “Penguin Chick” Write an invitation letter asking an expert on Antarctica to speak to your class.
Unit 5, Week 1, Day 5 “Penguin Chick” Write a letter to a friend about a place you’d like to visit and tell why you want to go there.
Unit 5, Week 2, Day 1 “Animal Homes” Pretend you are selling your favorite toy. Write an advertisement to try and sell that item.
Unit 5, Week 2, Day 2 “Animal Homes” Pretend you are an ant. Write a paragraph describing your home and tell why you enjoy living there.
Unit 5, Week 2, Day 3 “Animal Homes” Describe an animal home that you would like to build for a pet. List the materials you will use and write steps to build the home.
Unit 5, Week 2, Day 4 “Animal Homes” Write a poem about an animal’s home of your choosing.
Unit 5, Week 2, Day 5 “Animal Homes” Think of an animal home you know about. Write a description of its home from the animal’s point of view.
Unit 5, Week 3, Day 1 “Call of the Wild” Think of an animal and change one or two things about it. Write a paragraph describing your new species.
Unit 5, Week 3, Day 2 “Call of the Wild” Describe a way in which you have had to adapt to your surroundings and environment.
Unit 5, Week 3, Day 3 “Call of the Wild” Write a short conversation between two animals.
Unit 5, Week 3, Day 4 “Call of the Wild” Make a list of ways animals and humans act similarly.
Unit 5, Week 3, Day 5 “Call of the Wild” Write a short paragraph explaining why animals have to change and adapt.
Today How do you feel about testing so far? How did you do in Language Arts? What were some difficulties and what was easier for you?
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 1 “Wilbur’s Boast” Write a make-believe description of the most unusual animal in the world.
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 2 “Wilbur’s Boast” If you could make one animal out of two different animals, what would you make? Write a description of your unusual animal.
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 3 “Wilbur’s Boast” Write a journal entry from Fern’s point of view about Wilbur’s attempt to spin a web.
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 4 “Wilbur’s Boast” Write a short skit featuring two unusual animals. Each animal should explain how it is more unusual than the other.
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 5 “Wilbur’s Boast” Pretend you are a spider. Write step-by-step directions for spinning a web.
Unit 5, Week 5, Day 1 “Unique Animals” Think about unique features of your favorite animals. Make up a new animal based on those features.
Unit 5, Week 5, Day 2 “Unique Animals” Think about some of the animals you’ve read about. What is similar about them? What is different?
Unit 5, Week 5, Day 3 “Unique Animals” Pick one of the desert animals you would like to be. Write a paragraph describing why you made your choice and what would be the most difficult part of being this animal.
Unit 5, Week 5, Day 4 “Unique Animals” Describe a time you could have been more generous than you were. How did you feel?
Unit 5, Week 5, Day 5 “Unique Animals” Choose a desert animal and write a short myth explaining one of its habits.