As a tutor, reflective practice is an important part of what we do. It helps us to develop our skills and is the key continually improve our teaching practice. Reflective practice linked to professional development is also a requirement of the Institute for Learning for everyone working in the Lifelong Learning Sector.
Different theorists often have different definitions of what reflective practice actually is. During the PTLLS course we generally focus on getting you to begin to reflect rather than looking at the different theories (although you will need to do this if you progress to CTLLS/DTLLS) so, as a working definition here we’re going to use just one definition: ‘The purpose of reflecting is to untangle a problem or make sense of a puzzling situation; reflection involves working towards a better understanding of the problem and ways of solving it’ Loughran, J., (1996) Developing Reflective Practice: learning about teaching & learning through modelling. London: Falmer Press
But … … one of the issues with many definitions of reflective practice is that they focus on the negative and, if you watch the linked videos in this section, you’ll see that this is a common issue. Don’t forget that you also need to capture & reflect on what went well, so you can include this good practice in your future teaching.
For the PTLLS course, you are provided with a pro-forma for your Reflective Journal to be completed after every session. If you miss a session, you should try to access the materials through Moodle & then reflect on your learning from this. The headings on this pro-forma are very much a starting point and if you want to widen the areas for reflection here, please feel free to do so.
The main points I have learnt from this session This is a fairly straightforward section although you should try to suggest why the points are important for you rather than just listing them. The amount you write in this section will probably vary from session to session and may also vary depending on your existing level of experience with teaching.
How could I develop my practical skills as a result of this session? In this section you should consider how to put into practice what you have learnt in the session You should try to include actual examples here. Rather than just making statements such as ‘I will cater for a range of learning styles’ try to think of an example of how you will do this.
How could I develop my knowledge & understanding as a result of this session? Although it’s very tempting, try not to always put ‘I will read up on this topic’ here The chances are that you will never find time to do this What you need here are strategies that you will actually implement. For example, you might go to observe an other tutor in a session that they feel is particularly inclusive or where they have integrated functional skills.
For Practical Assignment 6, you should put all your Reflective Journals together and attach the relevant front cover sheet before giving them to your tutor. Remember, in Practical Assignment 7, you will need an Action Plan for your future development. You could include some of the items you have identified here as ways you can develop your knowledge/understanding on this Action Plan.