Writing Better Values and Limitations
Source Analysis: OPVL style: Value V- value Value is how valuable this source is. Based on who wrote it, when/where it came from and why it was created…what value does this document have as a piece of evidence? Primary sources are obviously more valuable than secondary/tertiary ones. Obviously if you're doing something on Hitler's feelings towards Jews, a diary entry from him would be more valuable than a historian's account of how he felt. This is where you show your expertise and put the piece in context. Bring in your outside information here.
Source Analysis: OPVL style: Value V- value continued What can we tell about the author from the piece? What can we tell about the time period from the piece? Under what circumstances was the piece created and how does the piece reflect those circumstances? What can we tell about any controversies from the piece? Does the author represent a particular ‘side’ of a controversy or event? What can we tell about the author’s perspectives from the piece? What was going on in history at the time the piece was created and how does It helps if you know the context of the document and can explain what the document helps you to understand about the context.
V- value continued The following is an example of an undeveloped value analysis: This document is a journal entry from President Truman prior to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. It is valuable because it is a primary source document and the journal is the words of a former president before making a big political decision.
Source Analysis: OPVL style Value Continued The following is an example of a good value analysis: The journal entry was written by President Truman prior to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan and is valuable because it demonstrates the moral dilemma he was having in making the decision of whether to drop the bomb or not. It shows that he was highly conflicted about the decision and very aware of the potential consequences both for diplomatic/military relations and for the health and welfare of the Japanese citizens.
Now you try…Read this undeveloped value, try to make it better. Below is an example of an undeveloped value analysis for the FDR’s Inaugural Address: This speech is valuable because it was written by FDR himself so it is a primary source document. Also, he gave this speech during an important time in history so it can teach students about the economic problems happening while FDR began his presidency.
Source Analysis: OPVL style: Limitation L- limitation Limitation is also linked to bias, each source will be at least a little biased and thus they are limited by that. If the source has been translated from the original (eg. Hitler's diary entry was translated into English by a historian and you're using the historian's book as a source) then the language difference will be another source of inaccuracy and a limitation.
Source Analysis: OPVL style: Limitation Being biased does not limit the value of a source! If you are going to comment on the bias of a document, you must go into detail. Who is it biased towards? Who is it biased against? What part of a story does it leave out? What part of the story is MISSING because of parts left out? What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document? How could we verify the content of the piece? Does this piece inaccurately reflect anything about the time period? What does the author leave out and why does he/she leave it out (if you know)? What is purposely not addressed? Understand that the comments and questions above are intended to guide you. It is your job to determine which the relevant questions to pursue are.
Limitation Continued: The following is an example of an undeveloped limitation analysis: FDR’s Nomination Address is limited because it is biased. It only represents the views of the Democratic Party and not the Republican Party.
This is an example of a more developed limitation analysis: FDR’s Nomination Address is limited because it is biased against the Republican Party, particularly President Hoover. FDR strategically expresses his contempt for not only the Republican attitude towards the Great Depression, but President Hoover’s lack of economic reform policies. This speech however only shows this misgivings of Hoover and does not address the ways in in which FDR plans on providing relief or reform, if elected president.
Now You Try…Read this undeveloped limitation, and try to make it better… FDR’s Fireside Chat is limited because he may not have written this speech himself and thus his message is not really his but someone else. Also, because it is a radio broadcast, the listener can’t see FDR’s facial expressions as he talks to know the true meaning of his words.