The Context The passage must be kept within & understood within: The Immediate Context The Immediate Context −Paul was addressing the need to be mindful of the conscience, weaknesses and customs of others (8:8-13; 9:19-23; 10:23-33) The Book Context The Book Context −Paul addressed various matters that were causing division in the church and pleaded with them to remain united The Biblical Context The Biblical Context −A passage must be kept within the teachings of the entirety of Scripture
The Overriding Principle Paul emphasizes the Divine order of authority (11:3) Paul emphasizes the Divine order of authority (11:3) −Christ is the head of man −Man is head of woman −God is head of Christ The creation order further emphasizes gender roles (11:7-9, 11-12) The creation order further emphasizes gender roles (11:7-9, 11-12) −The head-covering (in that setting) was linked to the principle of female subordination, and female subordination was tied to the creation order −But the head-covering itself cannot be traced back to the garden of Eden The emphasis is not about equality but about God’s structure of authority The emphasis is not about equality but about God’s structure of authority The basic idea of submission is to willingly put oneself under the authority of another The basic idea of submission is to willingly put oneself under the authority of another
The Instructions Men were to keep their heads uncovered (11:4, 7) Men were to keep their heads uncovered (11:4, 7) Women were to keep their heads covered (11:5, 10) Women were to keep their heads covered (11:5, 10) This passage applies to a culture where it was equally wrong for a woman to be uncovered as it was for a man to be covered This passage applies to a culture where it was equally wrong for a woman to be uncovered as it was for a man to be covered There is a distinction to be recognized and maintained between the sexes (11:13-15) There is a distinction to be recognized and maintained between the sexes (11:13-15)
The Reason for the Instructions To be uncovered dishonored her husband and disrespected his headship (11:5) To be uncovered dishonored her husband and disrespected his headship (11:5) To be uncovered was equal to having her head shaven (11:5-6) To be uncovered was equal to having her head shaven (11:5-6) To be uncovered resulted in that which was shameful (11:6) To be uncovered resulted in that which was shameful (11:6) To be uncovered indicated a rejection of being in subjection (11:10) To be uncovered indicated a rejection of being in subjection (11:10) To be uncovered was contrary to their own sense of propriety in that culture (11:13) To be uncovered was contrary to their own sense of propriety in that culture (11:13)
Reasons This Passage Does Not Require Head-Coverings Today The context was within the time and setting of women “praying and prophesying” (11:4-5) The context was within the time and setting of women “praying and prophesying” (11:4-5) −This context involved the exercising of spiritual gifts. Prophesying was a spiritual gift in the first-century church, involving teaching and edifying the church (1 Cor. 12:8-11; 14:3-4, 24-25, 31) Prophesying was a spiritual gift in the first-century church, involving teaching and edifying the church (1 Cor. 12:8-11; 14:3-4, 24-25, 31) There were women in the Corinthian church who had spiritual gifts There were women in the Corinthian church who had spiritual gifts The age of the miraculous spiritual gifts has ceased (1 Cor. 13:8-12) The age of the miraculous spiritual gifts has ceased (1 Cor. 13:8-12) −Women would not have been exercising these spiritual gifts in an assembly with men present (1 Cor. 14:34-35; 1 Tim. 2:11-14) −Therefore, these women could only have exercised these spiritual gifts in an assembly of women (and perhaps children) This context is specifically addressing the head-covering in these assemblies of women (the principle would apply to mixed assemblies also) This context is specifically addressing the head-covering in these assemblies of women (the principle would apply to mixed assemblies also)
Reasons This Passage Does Not Require Head-Coverings Today The context was within a cultural background that (already) practiced the “custom” of head-coverings for women (11:6-15) The context was within a cultural background that (already) practiced the “custom” of head-coverings for women (11:6-15) −Paul was sanctioning an accepted practice that was already recognized; he was not originating it −Women in Corinth covered their heads when they went out into public −A woman wearing a veil was a sign of subordination in that culture −In Corinth was the temple of Aphrodite, which had 1,000 prostitutes devoted to its service, who did not wear head-coverings in public −So, the Christian women were to have their heads covered in all public settings, in order to protect their influence and avoid bringing shame and reproach upon her, upon her head or upon the church −Sanctioning the “holy kiss” was a parallel custom (1 Cor. 16:20)
Reasons This Passage Does Not Require Head-Coverings Today The context, Biblically and culturally, does not require wearing a head covering in our culture today, for: The context, Biblically and culturally, does not require wearing a head covering in our culture today, for: −This passage of Scripture was written to/within a culture where being unveiled was one and the same thing as having the head shaved (11:5). −Head coverings are not customarily worn in our culture today, as they were in that culture. −Head coverings do not indicate one’s concern for purity or decency today, as it did in that culture. −Head coverings do not indicate any separation from prostitution today, as it did in that culture. −Head coverings do not indicate subjection today, as it did in that culture. −Head coverings do not have any significance to one’s gender today, as it did in that culture. −Head coverings do not protect a woman’s influence, as it did in that culture. −Head coverings do not prevent bringing shame upon herself, her husband or the church today, as it did in that culture.
Reasons This Passage Does Not Require Head-Coverings Today The text says that the wearing of the covering was a “custom” (11:16) The text says that the wearing of the covering was a “custom” (11:16) −The head-covering was neither an apostolic nor a church custom It was part of their cultural environment, not inherent in or distinctive to the Christian religion. They had “no such custom.” It was part of their cultural environment, not inherent in or distinctive to the Christian religion. They had “no such custom.” They were not generate disputes among brethren over such They were not generate disputes among brethren over such −It needed to be heeded by Christians for the sake of conscience and the work of the gospel, but it was not mandatory outside of that setting or culture −The veil was not binding on all churches in all circumstances
Inconsistencies in Modern Practice The piece of clothing The piece of clothing −In Corinth, it was a veil/covering which would hang down from the head over the front of the face −Today, the coverings that ladies might wear do not cover the face −In Corinth, the veil/covering had a specific significance (inside and outside of the church) −Today, a head-covering has no special meaning or significance to it in our culture The venue of wearing The venue of wearing −In Corinth, the veil/covering was worn by reputable women anywhere in public (outside their home) −Today, ladies wear their covering only “in the church building” (some may wear it at other Bible studies), but not in the eyes of the public
The Modern Application There are principles in this passage that must be heeded today There are principles in this passage that must be heeded today The chain of authority must be respected (11:3) The chain of authority must be respected (11:3) The Divine arrangement of subjection must be heeded (cf. Eph. 5:21-24, 33) The Divine arrangement of subjection must be heeded (cf. Eph. 5:21-24, 33) We must guard our influence and Christian purity in all that we do (cf. Matt. 5:13- 16) We must guard our influence and Christian purity in all that we do (cf. Matt. 5:13- 16) We must ensure our behavior is consistent with Christian principles and separate from anything shameful We must ensure our behavior is consistent with Christian principles and separate from anything shameful A Christian must exercise his liberty responsibly and not cause others to stumble A Christian must exercise his liberty responsibly and not cause others to stumble We must avoid being identified with questionable people We must avoid being identified with questionable people Christians ought to dress modestly in any culture (cf. 1 Tim. 2:9) Christians ought to dress modestly in any culture (cf. 1 Tim. 2:9) Sexual identity and clear role distinction must be maintained between the sexes Sexual identity and clear role distinction must be maintained between the sexes Christians should live in harmony with customs that are right within themselves Christians should live in harmony with customs that are right within themselves There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing a covering today, especially if it is for conscience sake, but it is wrong for someone to bind that custom on others There is nothing wrong with a woman wearing a covering today, especially if it is for conscience sake, but it is wrong for someone to bind that custom on others