Key Systems Outreach Assimilation Children Financial Facility
Key Leaders Pastor (may need administrator) Worship leader, Preschool / children’s minister Assimilation coordinator Outreach networker Spiritual gifts mobilizer
Outreach Outreach strategy Outreach events
Special Events
Outreach Outreach strategy Outreach events Outreach prioritizing
Assimilation Greeters and Ushers Follow-up Calls and Process Small Group Connection and Calls Ministry and Mission Focus
Spiritual Gift Mobilization Discovery Deployment Follow up
Financial Outreach Outreach Facility rental Facility rental Sound and Video Sound and Video Materials Materials Salaries Salaries How much do you need? How much do you need?
Breaking New Church Barriers Leaders of Leaders LeadersWorkers a worker serves in an ongoing role a leader owns that role, trains for it, and seeks to involve others a leader of leaders recruits, trains, and oversees leaders to work with him or her