To examine the differing views on the use of technology within the classroom To be able to identify the different ways in which technology is used in the classroom To consider the different technologies used
Within a modern classroom, a number of different modes of technology are used to teach a lesson, including: Can you think of any more? 1.Laptops/Computers 2.Smart Boards 3.Tablets 4.The Internet 5.Smart Phones/Mobile Phones
Evidence for the change in attitudes towards technology comes in the form of the new ICT curriculum in England, which was introduced in September Gone are the days of Microsoft Word, PowerPoints and basic, uninteresting websites. The focus is now on coding and programming, which takes up 1/3 of the entire ICT curriculum. “There are bound to be teething troubles as schools get to grips with this new approach to teaching about computers”. [R. Jones, 2014]
ADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES The Internet provides a wealth of information at your fingertips. The Internet can easily distract pupils from concentrating on their work. By using the Internet, students will learn to study independently. Some sites may be unsuitable, although most schools will block certain websites. There will be use of more interactive activities, such as Smart Boards. By replying on digital technology, work can easily be lost if the system crashes. Students can access the lesson material from home, after or even before the lesson. Computers and phones could break or malfunction and not work at the start of a lesson. “Education can be freed from geographic constraint.” [Chubb, 2009] The school will have to pay a significant amount to purchase and update technology. Parents can be kept up to date on what is going on 24/7. Staff and pupils will need to be trained on using some technology, and maybe even parents too. Students would be able to track their progress online. Students can plagiarise material, although there are ways for schools to prevent this happening. If students have questions from home, they can use the school system to ask their teachers. Students may rely less on their English writing skills, and some may struggle to read and write. Waste reduction on not using paper, pens etc. and it will save schools a lot of money. Some students may have financial restrictions which could impact what they can afford to buy.
This clip makes technology look easy! Why can’t all classrooms be as easy and simple as it looks in this video? The students are on task, using the internet as a tool rather than it being a distraction. The idea of them using their phones as a research tool and challenging their friends with their findings is great. Technology is an asset to all ages, and children are now being brought up with IPads in their hands rather than books. Technology will continue to advance, so if schools don’t embrace it, are they harming a child's development?
The major problem any teacher will have with using technology is that it can easily distract the pupil using the equipment. They may lose concentration and focus, and at times they will care more about what they are using rather than why they are being asked to use it. If a child is asked to use an app on their smart phones, how can the teacher see if they are on task or if they are just messaging their friends? The cost of technology is continuing to rise, as is the price of training staff on the new technology and the price that the students or their parents/guardians will have to pay for the technology.
So what are the solutions? Ashley Wainwright has developed seven fun ways to use technology within the classroom. They are: 1.Video streaming 2.Playing games 3.Social media 4.Blogging 5.Podcasts 6.Video conferencing 7.Collaborative exercises
BBC, 2014, A computing revolution in schools [online]. Available from [Accessed 27th February 2015] D. SCHOOLS, 2012, Cell phones in schools/Personally owned devices (PODS) initiative [online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 nd February 2015] OUR KIDS NET, 2011, Technology in schools- IPads in St Mildred's [online]. Available from: [Accessed 22 nd February 2015] MOE, M.T and CHUBB, J.E, Technology, Politics, and the future of American education. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass Secure edge networks, 2015, 7 fun ways to use technology in the classroom to enrich learning [online]. Available from Technology-in-the-classroom-to-enrich-learning [Accessed 1st March 2015] Technology-in-the-classroom-to-enrich-learning