From ADRC to MAP Naming, Branding, and Marketing the Maryland Aging and Disability Resource Center Project Posted 6/21/06
May 2004 through December 2005 Rename Maryland’s ADRC Maryland Access Point Select Web addresses Determine target audiences RFP for Marketing & Outreach contractor Select logo, tagline, marketing & outreach plan
101 Stakeholders participated Advisory Board members Advisory Board Sub-committee members Persons with disabilities Older adults Caregivers Advocates Providers Agency staff
Renaming Maryland’s ADRC Why rename? Stakeholders objected to “Aging” & “Disability” in name “Center” did not fit concept of multiple access points Goal - to select name that is: Descriptive/inclusive of ADRC focus Memorable, catchy, short, etc. Easily searchable as Web address
Renaming Maryland’s ADRC May & June 2004 Call for Names Flier circulated widely via mail, , & newsletters to diverse organizations Entries presented to diverse focus group Five names recommended Maryland Access Point selected by Secretaries of Maryland Departments of Aging and Disabilities
Selecting a Web Address for Maryland Access Point July & August 2004 Search for available addresses that incorporate Maryland Access Point or MAP Six addresses reviewed by stakeholders Two addresses selected:
Ongoing Stakeholder involvement Marketing & Outreach Committee meetings Joint meeting with Website & Technology Committee Discussion of target audiences Review of RFP for Marketing and Outreach contractor
Request for Proposals for Marketing & Outreach Contractor released March 2005 BlueWater Agency of Annapolis selected; work begun July 2005 First task: assist with selection of logo, tagline, & marketing & outreach plan
Selection of Logo, Tagline, & Marketing & Outreach Plan Focus group in August 2005 Review of draft logos, tagline, & marketing and outreach plan by Marketing & Outreach Committee Review by Advisory Board Final focus group in October 2005 Approval by Governor December 2005
Next Steps Finalized marketing & outreach plan Developing guidelines for use of Maryland Access Point logo & tagline Designing and developing video presentation, brochure, & additional promotional materials
Materials available on ADRC Website (Resources by Topic >ADRC Service Components >Outreach & Marketing) Marketing and Outreach Plan Naming, Branding, and Marketing the Maryland ADRC Project Maryland Access Point Logo
Contact: Virginia Thomas – Stephanie Lyon –