Joint Effort Marketing Presents: Web Marketing A marketing plan is like a map, you can get somewhere without it, but sure is easier to have have it.
Strategy Call With Your Team What is your Message? Product? Service? What is your Conversion? Who is your Audience? What are your current key words? How do we put you in front of the traffic that is already looking for you? A Written Plan After our strategy call, we put together a full written marketing plan for at least six months that will include all of the elements that will bring you the most traffic to your web site.
3/11/2011 Steps for Doing SEO on Your Site Do on-page SEO Fix Broken links Have correct meta tag and alt tag descriptions Make sure your site isn’t Keyword stuffing or have a lack of keywords We will research and suggest the best keywords for your budget & Focus Keyword Research We will research and suggest the best keywords for your budget & focus Link Building We begin to write articles, blogs, and blurbs on qualified web sites, blogs, and social networking sites that will have relative, keyword rich content that will point links back to your website. These links act as votes and signal to the search engines that you are having relative, organic conversations with quality websites and therefore deserve to be taken seriously.
3/11/2011 Pay Per Click Management We can completely manage your PPC campaigns with an emphasis on a better conversion rate and an improved ROI. All of our PPC management packages are flat fee packages so we are not motivated to increase your budget unless we have improved you ROI.
3/11/2011 Video Marketing Videos are counted as 5 times the “Link juice” as content. If your budget allows, we attempt to put as many videos on your site as needed. If feasible, we will position your videos on YouTube and other channels to point back to your site and deliver more traffic and “link juice”.
3/11/2011 Social Network Marketing We can deliver a social network campaign that will tap into the monster traffic of Facebook, Twitter, and many other social networks. We can completely manage your campaign from setting up the sites to writing content and monitoring results.
Some Recent Infographics We Made:
3/11/2011 Local Channel Marketing National SEO work doesn't take into account a local geographic strategy. If you have a geographic location that you want to focus on, we can make sure that you show up on every map, every directory, and every local tool that is available. Our local plans come with simple video, with no upfront fee, to give you an advantage over your competitors. Our video library has over 4000 ready made videos
Example of a Local Advertising Report
3/11/2011 Constant Accountability We have the ultimate tool in accountability. With our tracking website, you can sign in 24 hours per day to see results, read the articles written, check your position on the search engines, see anything picked up on the social networks, and track your PPC campaign. You always see what you are paying for!
Long Term Goal Our goal is to get you to the top of the search engines and manage your brand on the social networks so that you know exactly what is going on at all times.
Next Step Allow us to examine your current strategy and your current campaigns and we will put together a month by month plan that will include all of our recommendations based on your budget and goals. We will set up a review call within a week