Consumer Research Proposal Exotic Smokes Cigarette Company Tara Appling-Crisp MKT/554 July 18, 2011
SCOPE International focus on the European countries 18- to 25-year-olds Competitors: British American Tobacco Philip Morris International
PROJECT DEFINITION Differentiation strategies geared for adults – Pricing – Packaging – Placement Health warnings and inserts about ingredients No celebrity endorsements Smoking prevention programs
Program Objectives Determine consumer opinion of flavored cigarettes Address ethical and health concerns associated with smoking Pricing strategies that exclude youth affordability £5.93 per pack £39.93 per carton
Sampling & Methodology Focus Groups of smokers and non- smoker Voluntary questionnaires Target market attitudes regarding smoking Opinion of flavored cigarettes Purchasing habits of smokers
PROFESSIONAL FEES $6,000 per focus group X 6 groups $36,000 $4,000 online study of 5,000 consumers TOTAL FEES = $40,000
Deliverables Consumer opinion research Marketing strategy suggestions Sample data results European competitor information
ETHICAL CONCERNS Health risks Young target market Prevention programs Smoking cessation programs Increase market share rather than number of smokers