San Rafael City School Board Meeting October 26, 2015 iTEAMS
iTEAMS: Overview iTEAMS I NTEGRATED T ECHNOLOGY E NGINEERING A ND M ATH S CIENCE iTEAMS is a 3-Year 1.5 million dollar CaMSP grant designed to build STEM teaching and learning skills for 50 teachers and their students in grades 3-8.
YEAR 1: BRIDGES AND STRUCTURES INTENSIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 60 HOURS ANNUALLY Summer 2014 Sept Jan Mar June (2 Days) San Francisco State August (3 Days) Exploratorium Day 6 Exploratorium Day 7 Exploratorium / SF State Day 8 SF State FOLLOW UP HOURS – 24 HOURS ANNUALLY Sept. to NovDec. to Feb.March to May Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours) Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours) Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours)
Pre-Post Survey Results for Teachers Participating in iTEAMS has made me more aware of how important hands on integrated projects are. The iTEAMS lessons that I have done in my classroom this year have been the most engaging for my students. It has made me think more creatively about my teaching. Love the motivation from this program to do more hands-on projects and connections to real-life applications
Pre-Post Survey Results for Teachers iTEAMS has influenced my teaching by encouraging me to try more engineering activities in class, emphasizing the importance of the iterative process in science, math, and engineering, and providing me with additional collaboration time with my grade level colleague. I talk less and the kids talk more! It's more fun to be a teacher!!! Science is cool! It has given me greater confidence in teaching STEM activities and the engineering design process has been very applicable to many different areas of teaching.
Pre-Post Survey iTEAMS Teachers
May 2015 Student Surveys Show Student Response to iTEAMS practices
YEAR 2: WATERWAYS & THE BAY INTENSIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 60 HOURS ANNUALLY Summer 2015Sept January 2016 March 2015 August (2 Days) SF State Romberg August (3 Days) Exploratorium Romberg Tiburon Center Boat Trip Day 7 Exploratorium/ SF State Day 8 Exploratorium FOLLOW UP HOURS – 24 HOURS ANNUALLY Sept. to NovDec. to Feb.March to May Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours) Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours) Teachers Collaborate (4 hours) Coaching and observation (2 hours) Blended learning (2 hours)
Year 2 Summer Professional Development Content: Buoyancy, interpreting data, simply chemistry, water cycle, watershed, life pumps, water systems 93% of the teachers agreed or strongly agreed that they would apply what they learned to their teaching. Pedagogy: Group discourse, scientific modeling, scientific practices, engineering design
“ Wow, another full day of fantastic ideas to explore in the teaching of science. The groups worked better today. Thanks for having the 4th grade break out on waves.” August, 2015 “I think today was terrifically informative! The pace was excellent too. Thank you for incorporating comments from yesterday's more stationary activities so quickly. I am sure that each teacher group has different styles of learning. I always love each teacher’s enthusiasm and engagement. LOVED IT! Thanks.” August, 2015 TEACHER COMMENTS ABOUT iTEAMS PD “I love the hands on aspects of the projects and the Inquiry model for teaching. Thank you for the creative suggestions and opportunity to work with other teachers.” August, 2015 “I am always being challenged, always learning, and always evaluating at these workshops. Some projects/learning is valuable to my grade level and some is not, but it is always good to see and know what is being taught at other grades- what comes before and what will come after…” August, 2015
How iTEAMS is influencing…. Students Glenwood Laurel Dell Davidson Teachers Angela Hood Molly O’Donoghue Ranae Roemer
Students working
Teachers working
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