Measuring College and Career Readiness PARCC RESULTS: YEAR ONE Somerset Hills School District ____________
In 2015, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA and previous assessments in the elementary and middle school in language arts and mathematics. Students took PARCC English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3 – 11. Students took PARCC Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. NJASK for Grade 4 and Grade 8 in Science. End-of-Course Assessment in Biology NEW JERSEY’S STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM
Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations Level 3: Approaching grade-level expectations Level 4: Meeting grade-level expectations Level 5: Exceeding grade-level expectations PARCC PERFORMANCE LEVELS
Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 315%18%24%39%5%44% Grade 48%15%27%39%12%51% Grade 57%15%26%45%6%52% Grade 68%16%28%40%9%49% Grade 711%15%23%34%18%52% Grade 812%15%22%39%13%52% Grade 918%19%24%30%10%40% Grade 1025%18%20%26%11%37% Grade 1117%19%24%30%11%41% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 38%19%28%37%8%45% Grade 47%22%30%36%4%41% Grade 56%21%32%35%6%41% Grade 68%21%30%35%6%41% Grade 78%22%33% 4%37% Grade 8*22%26%28%23%1%24% Algebra I14%25% 33%3%36% Geometry12%36%30%20%3%22% Algebra II32%25%20%22%2%24% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS * Note: Approximately 30,000 New Jersey students participated in the PARCC Algebra I assessment while in middle school. Thus, PARCC Math 8 outcomes are not representative of grade 8 performance as a whole. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 451% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 442% 2015 SAT: 44% met College and Career Ready Benchmark 2015 ACT: 43% met College and Career Ready Benchmark. PARCC OUTCOMES IN CONTEXT 2015 PARCC Math Grade 441% 2013 NAEP Math Grade 449% 2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 852% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 846% 2015 PARCC ELA/L Grade 1141% 2013 NAEP Reading Grade 1241% 2015 PARCC Algebra I36% 2011 ADP Algebra I35% NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Progress ADP: American Diploma Project
Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade (96%) 6%14%22%51%7%58%44% Grade (92%) 5% 20%49%22%71%51% Grade (91%) 4%9%19%53%15%68%52% Grade (83%) 12%14%28%36%10%46%49% Grade (78%) 5% 22%36%32%68%52% Grade (82%) 2% 17%43%37%80%52% Grade (49%) 15%10%14%37%25%62%40% Grade (33%) 17% 19%27%20%47%37% Grade (11%) 5%9%23%45%18%64%41% SOMERSET HILLS 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY
Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade (96%) 3%13%25%44%16%60%45% Grade (92%) 5%11%29%45%10%55%41% Grade (92%) 4%16%33%37%10%47%41% Grade (81%) 12%28% 30%2%32%41% Grade (77%) 5%17%24%41%13%54%37% Grade 8* 65 (80%) 9%23% 45%0%45%24% Algebra I 55 (43%)- HS 54 (82%)- MS 6%19%17%54%5%59%36% Geometry 90 (44%) 7%14%29%41%9%50%22% Algebra II 39 (26%) 26%13%28% 5%33%24% SOMERSET HILLS 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS * Note: 55 students participated in the PARCC Algebra I assessment while in middle school. Thus, PARCC Math 8 outcomes are not representative of grade 8 performance as a whole. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
SOMERSET HILLS 2015 PARCC SUBGROUP OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 Asian 60 (6%) 2%8%15%37% 74% Black 15 (2%) 7% 33%40%13%53% Hispanic 147 (15%) 25%20%27% 2%29% White 723 (78%) 5%7%20%46%23%69% Economically Disadvantaged 94 (10%) 32%18%22%21%6%27% Student with Disabilities 160 (17%) 18%24%28%23%7%30%
Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 Asian 55 (6%) 2%13%16%47%22%69% Black 15 (2%) 13%7%47%33%0%33% Hispanic 146 (16%) 16%37%34%13%1%14% White 713 (78%) 5%13%25%47%9%56% Economically Disadvantaged 92 (10%) 24%35%27%14%0%14% Student with Disabilities 160 (18%) 18%36%21% 4%25% Somerset Hills 2015 PARCC SUBGROUP OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS
English Language Arts/Literacy - RESULTS ELA District Average State Average PARCC Average
MATHEMATICS - RESULTS Math Alg 1GeoAlg 2 District Average State Average PARCC Average
Science - Grade 4 Percent Passing
Science - Grade 8 Percent Passing
Biology - End of Course - Percent Passing
The Future of New Jersey State Testing SubjectGrades2015 Mathematics Grades 3 - 8Grade level PARCC Grades End of Course PARCC in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Language Arts Grade 3 - 8Grade Level PARCC Grades End of Course PARCC in English I, II, and III Science Grades 4 and 8NJASK Grades Biology (NJBCT)
Testing time has been reduced for every student by around 90 minutes compared to last year Consolidated single testing window Majority of the testing will be done within one week Computer-based assessments PARCC Testing