Overview Plan Input Outcome and Objective Measures Summary of Changes Board Feedback Finalization Next Steps
Plan Input 750 community members during community forums 1,800 Administrator and teacher surveys 171 Classroom Observations Individual and small group interviews (240 people) 18 Steering Committee Members 63 Workgroup Members 9 Board Members 34 Individuals submitted public comment
Outcome Measures Graduation Measures ACT Measures Student Engagement Measures State Test Accountability Measures
Graduation Measures Overall Outcomes TARGETS Increased % of students graduating from high school in four years (4-year ACGR). (Annual State Reporting (NSSRS)) * 77.78% Avail. Fall % Increased % of students graduating from high school in five years (5-year ACGR). (Annual State Reporting (NSSRS)) * 79.44% Avail. Fall % OPS 4-year graduation rate will be in the top 5% of all schools in the Council of Great City Schools. (Source TBD) TBD Avail. Fall 2014 Top 5%
Graduation Measures Overall Outcomes TARGETS Increased % of students “on track” to graduate at the end of each high school year. (Infinite Campus) * 78.44% Avail. Fall % Decreased % of students dropping out of school each year (dropout rate). (Annual State Reporting (NSSRS)) * 2.49% Avail. Fall %
Graduation Measures Overall Outcomes TARGETS Increased % of students graduating with one or more of the following: Industry certification. (Source TBD) College credit for at least one course. (Source TBD) A score of 3 or higher on at least one Advanced Placement exam. (Annual AP Report) A score of 5 or higher on at least one International Baccalaureate exam. (Source TBD) TBD Increased % of students enrolled in postsecondary education, enlisted in military, or employed six months after graduation. (Graduate Follow-Up Study) 87.09% ( ) Avail. Fall %
ACT Measures Overall Outcomes TARGETS Increased district average composite ACT score. (ACT Report) 19.0 Avail. Fall Increased % of students taking the ACT by the end of 12th grade. (ACT Report) 67.5% Avail. Fall % Increased % of students meeting college benchmark on the ACT Early High School Aspire test. (ETS Yearly Report) N/A Baseline TBD
Student Engagement Overall Outcomes TARGETS Decrease number of students opting out of the district by 5% annually. (Annual School Option Analysis) Decreased % of students who are absent 10 or more days. (SIS Attendance Dashboard) 35.00% Avail. Fall % Decreased % of students who are suspended or expelled from school. (Annual State Report) 10.94% Avail. Fall %
Student Engagement Overall Outcomes TARGETS Increased % of students who exhibit high school connectedness and high commitment to learning. (Student Climate/Engagement Survey and Developmental Assets Profile) N/ABaseline TBD Increased percentage of students who are highly engaged in the classroom. (Classroom Coaching Checklist) N/ABaseline TBD
State Test Accountability Measures Increased student proficiency every year across all grades and subjects on state accountability tests (State Test Reporting System) Test TARGETS Reading Grades %Fall % Math Grades %Fall % Science Grades 5, 8, 1146%Fall % Writing Grades 4, 8, 1153%Fall %
Safe Harbor Calculation Already a part of school improvement plans across district Defines acceptable growth as reducing the number of non- proficient students by 10% every year Example Reading – 62% Proficiency38% NOT Proficient Goal: Reduce 38% by 10% by next year 10% of 38% is 3.8% Goal: 62% + 3.8% = 65.8% Proficient for
Decreased achievement gap among all student sub- groups on state accountability tests Subgroup Comparisons Black/White Hispanic/White FRL/Non-FRL (Free/Reduced Lunch) SPED/Non-SPED (Special Education) ELL/Non-ELL (English Language Learners) Male/Female
Decreased Achievement Gap Reading Grades 3-11 Subgroup TARGET White Proficiency78%Fall % Black Proficiency48%Fall % Black/White Gap30%Fall % Hispanic Proficiency57%Fall % Hispanic/White Gap21%Fall %
Student Growth Increased percentage of students with at least one year of academic growth in the current school year on the NeSA reading and math tests. † (State Test Reporting System) Test TARGET Reading Grades %Fall % Math Grades %Fall % NeSA defines one year of growth as scoring the same or better scale score from one year to the next.
Objective Measures Measure progress towards meeting individual objectives Almost all require redefining metrics or new measurements Targets will be set after baseline data is established.
Public Comment Change Summary - From April 11 Board Meeting Discussion from change summary document send Wednesday April 16.
Updates Comment – increase student focus of outcomes. Action – Add the following paragraph above the outcomes: “Students will demonstrate significant progress towards measurable achievement and engagement outcomes so they are prepared to excel in college, career, and life. We are committed to providing the resources and tools necessary to accomplish this mission. It is through the success of our students that we define the success of our district.”
Updates Updated Outcome Measure Targets in yellow. (slides 5-14) Remove Strategy – “Give the ACT assessment to all eleventh grade students.” Rationale: Will wait until it is a statewide initiative.
Board Discussion Questions for UPD/C&J Questions for Executive Council Internal Board Discussion Are you prepared to vote to approve this plan? If No – what needs to change?
Next Steps – After Board Approval Prioritization of Objectives Creation of Implementation Workgroups Prioritization of Strategies Action planning for implementation Implementation SchoolStat performance management