SAC CONTACTS TRAINING Thank you for serving!
Documents Referenced New SAC Chair Training PowerPoint SIP/SAC Timeline Agenda Minutes Punch List Sign-in sheets Bylaws SAC Membership Form SAC Additions/Deletions Monitoring Form Sunshine Law FAQs Definitions Acronyms Items Omitted: A+ Guidelines, Climate Survey, Election Information
Accessing the SAC Website
SAC Website Tools
SAC Calendar SAC SIP Calendar Focus & Priority
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A+ Recognition Process A+ Money
SAC Website Tools
SAC Agendas & Minutes Agenda Minutes Meeting Punch List Sign-in Sheet
SAC Website Tools
Bylaws Sample Bylaws
Bylaws Sample Bylaws come from statute Sample Bylaws (red items) are the minimum standard; these must be in all schools’ bylaws Schools can add more bylaws as long as they do not conflict with the red items of Sample Bylaws
Bylaws Article I: Name Article II: Purpose SIP & SAC Funds Article III: Members Stakeholders 51% Elected vs. Appointed Majority vote of Quorum 2 unexcused absences Article IV: Duties SIP & SAC Funds
Bylaws Article V: Officers SAC Chair & Secretary SAC Chair is appointed by principal, approved by SAC quorum SAC Chair provides agenda; Secretary keeps minutes Article VI: Meetings 3 days notice of meetings and items to be voted upon Quorum is simple majority Minutes must be approved at the subsequent meeting and uploaded to the SAC Upload Site. Article VII: Committees Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority (Roberts Rules of Order) Article IX: Amendment of Bylaws
SAC Website Tools
Climate Survey More information in January Window: Feb—April
District Advisory Council Ensure attendance at this monthly meeting Ensure reporting of DAC minutes SAC members can share this duty DAC Website DAC Website
SAC Website Tools
Elections More information in March Window: April—May
SAC Website Tools
SAC Membership The SAC Membership must: be comprised of 51% or more non-Volusia County Schools employees; consist of a diverse makeup of varied ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups; contain a variety of stakeholder groups including parents, teachers, support staff, students (for middle and high schools), principal, community members, and business partners.
SAC Membership The SAC Membership Rosters must be updated four times annually and uploaded each time to the SAC Upload Site Sept. (to confirm SAC membership for the current school year) Dec. (to check SAC membership at the mid-year point) April (to confirm SAC membership before elections) May (to update SAC membership for the coming year after elections)
SAC Membership Any member who has two consecutive, unexcused absences must be removed from the membership roster Each time SAC Membership is updated, two forms must be updated and uploaded to the SAC Upload Site. SAC Membership Form SAC Additions/Deletions Monitoring Form
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Sunshine Law SAC meetings operate in the Sunshine; public must be allowed to attend All meeting agendas, including items to be voted upon, must be shared at least three days in advance with all SAC members ( ) Meetings must be face to face Any action involving the expenditure of SAC funds must be voted upon Any action involving the School Improvement Plan must be voted upon Voting cannot occur unless a quorum is present A quorum is defined as a majority of the membership roster
Sunshine Law Refer to Sunshine Law FAQs No conversation or communication (verbal or written) may occur between two or more members of a SAC on any matter which foreseeable action will be taken by the SAC. No SAC member should discuss any SAC issue with a SAC member unless at a SAC meeting Assume all notes, s, documents or other records created by a SAC member during or outside of a SAC meeting are a public record subject to inspection by the public. If you create any such record, you responsible for providing the original or a copy of it to school improvement contact for your school.
SAC Website Tools
Trainings To refer to these training materials, See SAC Chairs Training on site Possible materials for SAC Binders
SAC Website Tools
Vocabulary Definitions Acronym List
SAC Resources SAC Quick Reference Info: Roberts Rules AdvancEd Forms SAC RESOURCES SIP TOOLBOX
SIP Toolbox SIP Quick Reference Info: SIP & SAC Calendar SIP Volusia Toolkit State SIP Website SAC RESOURCES SIP TOOLBOX
SIP Toolbox SIP Development 1.Evidence of parent invitation to SAC Meeting for SIP input (e.g., Connect Ed, school webpage, newsletter, flyer, marquee) (2-3 samples) 2.SAC sign-in sheet, agenda, and minutes documenting parent input regarding SIP development 3.Evidence of SIP dissemination (summary after publication)
Title I Compliance Title I General: 1.SAC sign-in sheet, agenda, and minutes documenting parent input and discussion about Title I spending, budget, and parent involvement Title I PIP: 1.PTA or SAC sign-in sheet, agenda, and minutes indicating that parents were involved in the development, evaluation, and updating of the Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) 2.Evidence of PIP dissemination