Today: Return Genetics Quiz Discuss Calendar/Important Dates Complete Artificially Selecting Dogs Activity and Reflection D.E.A.R.
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday – Early Release NO SCHOOL – MEMORIAL DAY – LAST DAY TO TURN IN LATE WORK OR COMPLETE REVISIONS 6 6 th and 7 th period Early Finals for people going to the Jr. Rose Parade 7 – Practice for 8 th Grade Promotion Ceremony 4 th and 5 th Period Final Exams 8 – Locker cleanout Jr. Rose Parade Field Trip 6 th and 7 th Period Final Exams 9 -8 th Promotion Ceremony and Field Trip 10 – NO SCHOOL FOR YOU! Review for Science Final OAKS Science Test
Meet with another team – try to find teams that used different parent breeds than you did Choose one of their puppies to cross with your best puppy. Record the “Neighbor Puppy Traits” on Puppy Traits – Generation #2 table Follow steps 3, 4, and 5 and 9 listed on the front of the packet to complete the activity HOMEWORK: Artificially Selecting Dogs Reflection
Artificial selection happens when people select individuals to mate that have features they hope the offspring will inherit. This is also called selective breeding.