Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) Entering year 3 CABE Conference March 24, 2016 Martha Alvarez, ACSA and Teri Burns, CSBA
Legislative Advocates discuss how the State Board of Education and the Legislature are viewing the LCAP process and Local Control Funding. We'll talk about how the evaluation rubric is developing and what legislative changes are proposed. We'll talk about best practices being observed in LCAPs regarding bilingual learners.
How the Local Control Funding Formula Works How LCFF Works
Proportionality Proportionality means to increase (quantity) or improve (quality) services and spending to low income, English learners and foster youth students in proportion to the increase in funding received for supplemental and concentration grants
Services to Unduplicated Students The LCAP must include “evidence” showing how services to unduplicated students will be increased or improved during the fiscal year Services include: Delivery of instruction Administration Facilities Pupil support services Technology
School and Districtwide Thresholds Districtwide: Districts with enrollment of unduplicated students that exceeds 55% must describe in the LCAP how any funding is spent and how services are being provided on a districtwide basis to serve unduplicated students and how those services are helping to meet LCAP goals Schoolwide: Districts with enrollment of unduplicated students at a school that exceeds 40% must identify in the LCAP those services that are being provided on a schoolwide basis and how those services are helping to meet LCAP goals
Local Control & Accountability Plans (LCAPs) Local Control & Accountability Plans (LCAP)
LCAP Work is Deep! Annual goals must be set for all students and for each of the following subgroups in each of the 8 priorities: Ethnic subgroups Socioeconomically disadvantaged students English learners Students with disabilities Foster youth -Homeless youth NEW Children of active military Coming – thanks to ESSA Local Control & Accountability Plans (LCAP)
Things your district needs to know Know your Students (African American, Latino, English Learner, Low Income, Foster Youth) Know Gaps & Outcomes for your Students Know your adopted LCAP Goals Know if you’re making progress on each and why 9
Key Precepts of LCFF Based on specific considerations: Equity, additional resources for students with greater needs Low-income students English learners Foster youth Local decision-making and stakeholder involvement Accountability Transparency Alignment of budgeting with accountability plans How LCFF Works
Building it as we go ! 2013LCFF funding formula begins 2014 First LCAP due 2015First SBAC Tests CCEE opens 2016LCFF Rubric approved New accountability system in place PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE!
What’s happening now Aligning Accountability Documents Implementing Summative, Formative and Interim testing system Aligning with ESSA Developing the LCFF Rubric
ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM GOAL One coherent and unified accountability system that meets state and federal requirements and needs A system to strengthen teaching and learning, improve individual capacity of teachers and school leaders and increase capacity for continuous improvement
LCFF Rubric Demonstrate Outcomes Improvement Equity By - LEA - School Sites - Subgroups
Actions by SBE By September 2016… Pick 5 Leading indicators Test scores (Math & ELA) Progress of English Learners Graduation Rates K-8 academic measure - TBD Another measure - TBD Identify levels of expectations Adopt a rubric
Rubric Metrics on the table Third grade reading & Eighth grade math composite Eighth grade dropout Suspension/Expulsion Rates Reading at grade level in Third Grade Attendance / chronic absence Healthy Kids Survey results Parent engagement factor Science test scores Course access Williams Act Compliance Composite of taking: AP courses, SAT/ACT, CTE courses, plus certificates earned, seal of bi-literacy, Golden State Diploma, IB, etc.
Draft Graduation Rate Standard Option Outcome Very LowLow Intermediat e HighVery High 78.6% or below 78.7 to 83.2% 83.3 to 90.6% 90.7 to 96.0% 96.1% or above Improveme nt Declined Significantl y DeclinedMaintainedImproved Improved Significantl y -2.9% or below -1.3 to -2.8% -1.2% to 1.3% 1.4% to % or above Improvement Outcome Very HighHighIntermediateLowVery Low Improved Significantly ExcellentGood Emerging Improved ExcellentGood EmergingIssue Maintained ExcellentGoodEmergingIssueConcern Declined GoodEmergingIssue Concern Declined Significantly EmergingIssue Concern
State Graduation Rate Analysis All Students 74.7%77.1%78.9%80.4%81.0% Hispanic 68.1%71.4%73.7%75.7%76.6% American Indian 67.3%68.5%72.4%72.8%70.6% Asian 89.0%90.3%91.1%91.6%92.4% Pacific Islander 72.3%74.9%77.0%78.4%80.4% Filipino 87.4%89.9%90.8%91.6%92.2% African American 60.5%62.8%66.0%68.1%68.2% White 83.5%85.7%86.6%87.7%87.6% Low Income 68.0%71.1%73.0%74.8%75.6% English Learner 56.4%61.5%62.0%63.1%65.4% Foster Youth N/A Student with Disability 56.7%59.5%61.1%61.9%62.3%
District Graduation Rate Sample Data
School Graduation Rate Sample Data
What should you be doing now? Find out what your current district goals are Find out what progress has been made with the current actions Ask how the information is being communicated to parents Ask what other best practices are being considered to close gaps Look at board budget updates to identify how much (or little) new money the district is expecting in the coming year Find out when your district is taking community input on the next LCAP Find out who is on your DLAC and Parent Advisory Committee and share your ideas with them
Some EL Best Practices The Digital Early Learning program Parent empowerment workshops Team-mentoring to help predominantly first-generation college-going students of color achieve college admission Newcomer Academy Engagement through arts and culture Dual Immersion programs Family reading