Use LOTD, POE and POOD Slow down! English: › Read the passages carefully and use context clues › Remember consistent, clear, and concise › Complete vs Incomplete strategy What are the punctuation forms for STOP? GO? Colon/single dash? Other reasons to use commas? › Circle the questions you want to come back to
Step 1 – Read the sentence carefully. Go beyond the underline portion to the end of the sentence. Step 2 – Look at the answer choices and figure out what they are testing you on. If there are 2 things changing, start with what you are best at first. Step 3 – Go back to the passage and look for context clues to help you. Step 4 – Use POE to take out the things you know are wrong. Cross them off. Step 5 – Look at the choices that are left and choose your answer. Step 6 – Circle the number if you are not 100% sure of your answer
Math › Watch out for trap answers › SLOW DOWN! Less is more – reduce the # of problems you are working in order to avoid careless mistakes › Use ball parking to help with POE › Be sure to give them what they are asking for › Word Problems What is the question asking for? Use answer choices to help you Take bite sized pieces › Work carefully on your calculator › Try Plugging in the Answers (PITA) and plugging in › Circle the questions you want to come back to
Reading › Consider reducing the # of passages and using LOTD on one OR using LOTD for hard questions as you go › Do easy questions first › Do reasoning/inference questions later › Watch out for trap answers on reasoning/inference questions – they are a paraphrased way of saying what it says in the passage › Read for the big picture/main idea › Mark the passage as you go
Step 1: Re-order your passages. Read the blurb. Step 2: Read passage carefully for main ideas. Step 3: Create TABLE OF CONTENTS as you go. Only 1 – 3 words per paragraph. QUICKLY. Step 4: Use “keep it” and “throw it” method on answer choices. Step 5: Choose the best answer. Step 6: Circle the number if you need to come back to it or used LOTD.
Science › Do the easy questions first › May need to use LOTD on a few hard questions if you struggle to finish in the 35 minutes › Start with the questions, read only when necessary › Use the answer choices to help guide you › On Conflicting Viewpoints you have to read – similar to the dual reading passage on Reading section
Step 1- Do the passages you are good at first. Step 2 – Do the EASY questions first Step 3 – Work the data. Read only when necessary Step 4 – What is the question really asking for? Step 5 – Keep it vs. throw it Step 6 – LOTD when necessary Step 7 – Circle the questions you want to come back to