March 23, 2016
Jose Vargas Yanina Salazar Christine Mittelbusher Teresa Estrada Rowena McCarthy Khari Lovan Marco Lenzi Mary Wruck Tanisha Reed Tia Ingram Tracy Oliva Teacher Reps: Mr. Farr and Ms. Carpenter
Common Core Math Implemented K-8 Common Core ELA Implemented 6 th -8 th All Diocese of Oakland schools have made this transition 42 states are currently using Common Core Engage NY is the current curriculum being used Benefits: Very organized & detailed. Great curriculum mapping per grade. Obstacles: Providing parent training (in progress)
STAR Testing to replace IOWA Students test four times per year Growth is recorded throughout the year Data is user friendly and more detailed STAR testing & Accelerated Reader are on the same website The Diocese Common Core pilot schools are seeing significant improvements in Math and ELA test scores (Year 3)
Common Core ELA grades K-5 Next Gen Science Standards Standards-Based Report Cards K-3 rd STEM Continue using Accelerated Reader Have K-3 on PowerSchool within 2 years
Girls: Basketball and Volleyball Boys: Basketball CO-ED: Track and Cross Country
Fun Run May 12, 2016 Silent Auction Chocolate Bars Schoola, E-Waste & AmazonSmile Box Tops Script Cards Must link online now
Fall Festival Santa Breakfast Canvas & Cocktails Summer Wine Tasting Holy Hotcakes El Sobrante Stroll/Solano Stroll Pasta Dinner & Appreciation Dinner Halloween Carnival Parent/Child Dance Pro and College Sports Games
Yearly Operating Cost: $1,092,000 Estimated Tuition Collected: $900,000 Estimated Willows Collected: $40,000 Yearly Fees (Reg, Capital, Supply): $56,000 Face & Basic Fund: $55,325 Still Needed to Break Even: $40,675 Non-collected tuition Avg: $40,000 Fundraising needs to cover remaining costs
Increase in teacher salaries and benefits Tuition increased 3.5% (single student) Financial Aid Update Single Student $6, Two-Students: $11, (12% Discount) Three-Student: $15, (23% Discount) Still lower tuition than surrounding schools
30 hours are required per family If you owe hours from the previous year you must be on plan 1 the following year until paid off Multiple ways to earn hours School board, PTG, school events, room parent, committee member, yard duty, landscaper/school clean-up, CYO coach, altar server society, etc.
Choice Lunch Returning Combine Parish and School Events Staff Changes/Updates
Increase Average class sizes (currently at 15) Upgrade wireless connection Update/upgrade school laptops Middle School Tutoring Program Improve Community Outreach (Parent Press) Apply for various grants Replace school windows, paint classrooms, replace playground covering