Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Developing Maths Skills Through NUMICON Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School.


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Presentation transcript:

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Developing Maths Skills Through NUMICON Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Counting Is Easy, Isn’t It?

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Doh, Ray, Me … Sing along with the Doh, Ray, Me sequence… Start at ‘Soh’ and continue the count. Now start at ‘Me’. Now… start at ‘Te’ and go backwards. How many steps are there from ‘Ray’ to ‘La’? Count back from ‘Soh’ to ‘Doh’ – how much was that? Now try again, but use the number line! DohRayMeDohTeLaSohFah

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Key skills needed by Good Calculators Good knowledge of the number system Know number bonds Partition numbers into multiples of Quick recall of times tables Ability to multiply and divide by 10 and100 Use of inverse operation Presentation slide

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Numicon A multi-sensory resource to Support Learning and Teaching in Number

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Rationale behind Numicon Quality first learning Progressive Inclusive Children can:  Understand number relationships  Do calculating without counting  Learn mathematical language in context  Make connections to use and apply their understanding

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Numicon imagery - motivated representation structured to reveal relationships between numbers and to help children to make connections

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Numicon imagery plays to children’s sense of pattern … and draws their attention … seeing a pattern is at the heart of mathematical thinking…. … recognising and creating patterns is often difficult for children who have SEN …

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Feel inside the bag can you find the pink shape Find number 3 Find the number which you add to 6 to make 10

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Initial Brain Storm of Teaching Ideas Using feely bag to find various numicon shapes Hide numicon in sand /water Press shapes into playdough/clay Use as templates to make numicon cookies Use base boards to create a pattern photograph and ask other children to copy Paint and print repeated patterns Represent numicon patterns using different media i.e beans Make numicon the currency in the shop area. Use balance and measure out equal bonds

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate My initial brain storm of teaching ideas Order numicon on a numberline Complete the different numicon numberline Make the story of 6 using numicon shapes Adding numbers bridging through ten Place value partitioning 2 digit number Doubling numbers Adding 2 digit numbers Putting sets of a particular numicon shape to see how many make e.g.12 Making numicon towers to represent multiplication

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate YOUTUBE contains lots of sample videos of NUMICON use

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Bridging through ten.. Using addition facts of 10 and other numbers to bridge a multiple of ten

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Moving into bigger numbers 24 Place Value

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Towards written methods - addition

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Extend to more complex additions

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Subtraction – using difference

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate In Conclusion Understanding of numbers and the number system takes place when the learner makes cognitive connections between concrete apparatus, images, symbols and mathematical language Structured imagery can support children to make sense of numbers Structured imagery can support children in developing calculation skills and can support children in learning to calculate without relying on counting

Schools Targeted Intervention and Improvement Team People Directorate Useful youtube links