May 1, 2012 City Council approved lease of premises at MLK to the Lycée Français La Pérouse (the “Lycée Français”) Under section 16.5, Traffic and Circulation, of the lease, the Tenant agreed to conduct a site traffic and circulation study to be paid for by the Lycée Français and performed by a consultant jointly selected by the City and the Lycée Français. Among other firms, Kimley-Horn Associates (K-H), a 45 year old transportation engineering and parking consulting firm, submitted a statement of qualifications and proposal to perform the study for a lump sum of $20,000 K-H was jointly selected by City and Lycee and Lycee deposited the funds for the study Study conducted and draft report made available for review via the City’s website in the weeks prior to public meeting held Tuesday January 8, 2013 in the gymnasium at MLK
Study Methodology A. Existing Conditions – Based on current traffic counts collected by Kimley-Horn in 2012, existing roadway geometry and traffic control, and existing site uses including The Marin School and the New Village School. B. Existing plus Project Conditions – Based on current traffic counts collected by Kimley-Horn in 2012, existing roadway geometry and traffic control, and estimates of traffic to be generated by the Project.
Study Area Intersections To assess changes in traffic conditions associated with the Project, the following intersections were evaluated in this traffic study: 1. Ebbtide Avenue / New Village School Driveway 2. Ebbtide Avenue / Bridgeway 3. Coloma Street / Olima Street 4. Coloma Street / Lycee Francais Driveway 5. Coloma Street / Bridgeway
no turning movements at any of the study intersections result in the existing queue or queue with the Project exceeding the available storage.
Vehicular traffic will increase at the intersection of Bridgeway and Coloma Street Southbound right turn movements may increase the likelihood of conflicts if motorists fail to yield to cyclists (or pedestrians).
Cut-through traffic could use the Rodeo Avenue freeway exit from US-101 Cut-through route would exit onto Rodeo Avenue, left onto Nevada Street, left onto Buchanan Drive, right turn onto Lincoln Drive, right onto Butte Street, left turn onto Olima Street, and right onto Coloma Street. Cut-through route would involve driving through residential neighborhoods and also by Bayside Elementary School and Willow Creek Academy. Due to the slow speed limits in the neighborhood roads, the unsignalized intersections, and the additional school traffic, this is an unlikely route for Lycee Francais parents to use. It is estimated to take an additional three minutes along this route as compared to the US-101 route exiting at Bridge Boulevard. The cut-through route would only be perceived as more efficient if northbound US-101 was experiencing heavy congestion, which is not typically the case. A conservative assumption that 5% of the total trips would use this route, considered highly unlikely, was made for purposes of the analysis.
No significant impacts associated with the Project. Project will not contribute to any deficient level of service or queuing concerns at any of the study intersections.
1. Direct parents, faculty and staff to use the access from Coloma Street and not from Ebbtide Avenue. 2. Students dropped off would best be accommodated on the south side of Building 6 from where they can walk to their classrooms. 3. Direct parents to unload and load only in the designated area near Building Direct parents wishing to park to use the spaces in the large lot south of Building Install signs and pavement markings to reinforce the route for drop off and pick up. This includes signs and markings to keep traffic from circulating the wrong 6. way around Building 7 when leaving. 7. Add two additional speed bumps to the inbound route to discourage wrong way travel. Install such that vehicles cannot easily drive around the bumps. 8. Modify or replace the existing south gate and add paving to provide 24 feet of clear opening for ingress and egress from the site. Include a stop sign and painted stop bar at the exit. 9. Install signs and pavement markings to clarify that the roadway behind Buildings 1 through 6 is one-way southbound. Signs would include a DO NOT ENTER sign near Building 6 to prevent Lycee parents from using the roadway as a northbound exit. 10. The drop off / pick up area should be clearly marked.
10. Direct faculty to use parking stalls east of the Lycee Francais buildings. During school hours clearly identify the area as faculty / staff parking only. 11. Lycee Francais should have at least one faculty or staff member present in the drop off / pick up area to help direct traffic in the car line. 12. The school should draft, refine, and adopt policies related to student, staff and faculty transportation to the site. 13. The school should develop and adopt "Rules of Access" for parent drop-off and pick-up, event management, and staff and faculty access. 14. The school should develop communication material for the school's facilities. Materials should include: "Transportation and Parking Policy Fact Sheet" for new and returning students and their parents. Reference other important policies and sources of information. Provide rules of access for dropping off and picking up students on-site by automobile. 15. The City should consider NO PARKING regulation on Coloma Street east of the site driveway to improve sight distance for vehicles leaving the site. Parking should be restricted for approximately 70 feet east of the driveway to allow for 140 feet of clear sight distance. It is recognized that the north side of Coloma Street in this area is used by the City as a construction staging area so removal of parking could affect the availability of parking for construction vehicles or others. 16. The City should monitor collisions at the intersection of Bridgeway and Coloma Street to determine if an increase occurs between southbound right turn traffic and bicyclists or pedestrians. If justified based on collision data, the City should install a sign on the northwest corner that reads RIGHT TURN TRAFFIC MUST YIELD TO BIKES AND PEDESTRIANS. 17. The City should consider regulating parking time limits on Ebbtide Street to eliminate long term vehicle storage. These spaces are needed by New Village School parents and visitors to the dog park and sports fields. 18. The City should investigate whether the Lycee Francais can be assigned an address on Coloma Street so that GPS mapping software will direct motorists to use Coloma Street rather than a path via Ebbtide Avenue.
Ebbtide – too narrow in places for two-way traffic with parking both sides Traffic signal timing Use of Coloma for City project construction staging Monitoring traffic after Lycee begins operations Turning radius’ for exit route City to develop plans and cost estimates for necessary improvements
Adopt a Motion Accepting the Final Traffic Report Regarding Lycée Français at MLK