Established by the European Commission The European Research Council │ 1 ERCEA & Unit A1 - Support to the Scientific Council
Established by the European Commission ERC in the H2020 Structure The HORIZON 2020 main components: Excellent Science World class science is foundation of technologies, jobs, well-being Europe needs to develop, attract, retain research talent Researchers need access to the best infrastructures Industrial leadership Societal challenges Excellent Science: European Research Council (budget under H2020: € 13 billion) Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodoswka Curie Actions Research Infrastructures │ 2
Established by the European Commission ERC H2020 Budget ERC Budget € 13 billion │ 3
Established by the European Commission │ 4 ERC Structure The European Commission Provides financing through the EU framework programmes Guarantees autonomy of the ERC Assures the integrity and accountability of the ERC Adopts annual work programmes as established by the Scientific Council The ERC Executive Agency Executes annual work programme as established by the Scientific Council Implements calls for proposals and provides information and support to applicants Organises peer review evaluation Establishes and manages grant agreements Administers scientific and financial aspects and follow-up of grant agreements Carries out communications activities and ensures information dissemination to ERC stakeholders The ERC Scientific Council 22 prominent researchers proposed by an independent identification committee Appointed by the Commission (4 years, renewable once) Establishes overall scientific strategy; annual work programmes (incl. calls for proposals, evaluation criteria); peer review methodology; selection and accreditation of experts Controls quality of operations and management Ensures communication with the scientific community
Established by the European Commission ERC Scientific Council Members Klaus BOCK (Chemistry) Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON (Mathematics), ERC President Nicholas CANNY (History) Sierd A.P.L. CLOETINGH (Earth Sciences), ERC Vice-President Athene DONALD (Biological Physics) Barbara ENSOLI (Medicine) Reinhard GENZEL (Astrophysics) Timothy HUNT (Biology) Matthias KLEINER (Engineering) Eva KONDOROSI (Biology) Mart SAARMA (Biology), ERC Vice-President Nuria SEBASTIAN GALLES (Psychology), ERC Vice-President Nils Christian STENSETH (Ecology & Evolution) Martin STOKHOF (Philosophy) Reinhilde VEUGELERS (Economics) Michel WIEVIORKA (Sociology) Fabio ZWIRNER (Physics) Tomáš JUNGWIRTH (Physics) Janet THORNTON (Bioinformatics) ……….
Established by the European Commission ERC structure S. Cloetingh M. Saarma N. Sebastian Galles S. Cloetingh M. Saarma N. Sebastian Galles
Established by the European Commission ERCEA organigramme
Established by the European Commission Starting Grants starters (2-7 years after PhD) up to € 2.0 Mio for 5 years Advanced Grants track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years up to € 3.5 Mio for 5 years Proof-of-Concept bridging gap between research - earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders ERC Grant Schemes Consolidator Grants consolidators (7-12 years after PhD) up to € 2.75 Mio for 5 years │ 8
Established by the European Commission │ 9 The Dedicated Implementation Structure (ERCEA) Horizon 2020 SP Annex I ….The dedicated implementation structure will support the Scientific Council in the conduct of all of its tasks as set out above, provide access to the necessary documents and data in its possession, and keep the Scientific Council informed of its activities…. Specificity of the ERCEA as ERC Dedicated Implementation Structure taken into account in all secondary decisions related to the (re-) establishment of and (re-)delegation of powers to the ERCEA
Established by the European Commission ERCEA – A1: Support to the Scientific Council │ 10 The unit supports the Scientific Council in its mission and tasks and provide the secretariat for the meetings of the Scientific Council and the ERC Board. In particular, the unit assists the Scientific Council to establish the overall research funding and management strategy of the ERC, including the annual work programme. The unit is leading on the assessment, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and statistical analysis of the ERC-funded activities.
Established by the European Commission ERCEA – A1: Support to the Scientific Council │ 11 Activities A.Support to the establishment of the scientific strategy of the Scientific Council (ScC), including the drafting of the WP, as well as the coordination of the activities of the ScC's sub-structures. In addition, the unit provides strategic input to the ERC President (as of 1/1/2014 established in Brussels), the Director of the ERCEA and the parent DG. B.Support to the monitoring and evaluation by the ScC of the programme implementation and achievements with emphasis on the data management/processing and statistical analysis. C.Support to the preparation and follow-up of the ScC and the President's meetings and other activities in terms of content, documents coordination and logistical support, including budgeting and payments preparation. D.Support/contribution to other departments and/or obligations of the Agency (e.g. reporting, ICS), including the office of the Director, as well as participation in horizontal activities. E.Administrative support of the unit's activities
Established by the European Commission ERCEA – A1: Support to the Scientific Council │ 12 Resources The resources dedicated to these 5 broad lines of activities correspond to 15 staff members (including the HoU): 4 TA (including the HoU), 2 Seconded National Experts, 4 GF IVs, 2 GF IIIs, 3 GF IIs (including one GFII fully dedicated to the administrative support of the ERC President). Activity A & B & D3 TA * s, 2 SNEs, 4 GF IV Activity C1 GF IV (part.), 2 GF III, 3 GF II Activity E1 GF IV (part.), 1 GF III (part.), 1 GF II (part.) *excluding the HoU
Established by the European Commission │ 13 A.Support to the establishment of the scientific strategy of the Scientific Council, including the drafting of the WP, as well as the coordination of the activities of the Scientific Council's sub-structures. In addition, the unit provides strategic input to the ERC President (as of 1/1/2014 established in Brussels), the Director of the ERCEA and the parent DG (briefings, etc). A(1): ERC Work Programme A(2): ScC Standing Committees A(3): ScC Working Groups A(4): Briefing/Presentations/Analysis for ScC, ERCEA Director, DG RTD and others A(5): Monitoring of activities of other stakeholders ERCEA/A1: Tasks
Established by the European Commission Scientific Council Standing Committees Conflict of Interest, Scientific Misconduct and Ethics (CoIME) Committee on Panels
Established by the European Commission Scientific Council working groups Internationalisation Open Access Widening Participation Gender balance Innovation and relations with industry Key Performance Indicators
Established by the European Commission │ 16 B. Support to the monitoring and evaluation of the programme implementation and achievements by the Scientific Council with emphasis on the data management/processing and statistical analysis. B(1): Data management/Processing B(2): External providers/CSAs B(3): Statistical cell coordination C. Support to the preparation and follow-up of the ScC meetings and other activities in terms of content, documents coordination and logistical support, including budgeting and payments preparation. C(1): ScC Meeting management C(2): ScC Documents management C(3): ScC requests coordination/follow-up C(4): ScC budget and payments C(5): CSA of vice-chairs ERCEA/A1: Tasks
Established by the European Commission │ 17 ERCEA/A1 supports the President with the preparation of agenda and meeting documents; Before ScC meetings, the ERCEA/A1 supports the ERCEA Director in the drafting of a "lettre de cadrage" to the ERC Board, where the ERCEA's expectations/priorities out of the plenary are indicated; 90% of meeting documents are circulated one week in advance of meeting Minutes from meetings are adopted by the ScC at the next plenary; A short summary of the meetings is published on the ERC web site; Documents available in a restrictive mode on CIRCABC ScC plenary documents
Established by the European Commission │ 18 Thank You!