Atomic notation X A Z X = Symbol (C, Au) A = Atomic Mass Number = #nucleons (Protons + Neutrons) Z = Atomic Number = #protons C 12 6 Carbon A = 12, Z = 6. #neutrons?
Isotopes Carbon 12 has 6 Neutrons C 12 6 C 14 6 Carbon 14 has 8 Neutrons Carbon 14 is an isotope of Carbon Chemically the same Nuclear-lly different (it’s unstable) C-14, C-12 Show chart of the nuclides…
Hydrogen has a Z = 1, A = 1 p + 2 n = 3 What is the Atomic notation for tritium? (tritium is an isotope of Hydrogen with 2 neutrons) 3/1 H
22/10 Ne Z = 10, A = = 22, element 10 is Ne 10 protons, 12 neutrons. What is its atomic notation?
143 U is element = 143 neutrons How many neutrons in U 235? (235 = A) (1)
126 Pb is element = 126 neutrons How many neutrons in Pb 208? (208 = A) (1)
42 Kr is element = 42 neutrons How many neutrons in Kr 78? (1)