Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi Double Beta Decay Study of 150 Nd at NEMO3 (The magic isotope!!)
Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December Introduction 150 Nd is one of the seven double beta decay isotopes of the NEMO3 detector. It has a high nuclear transition energy,Q , and it is therefore easier to reduce the radioactive background. This makes it interesting and a strong candidate for SuperNemo!! Nd 2 O 3 has 57g mass (37g pure 150 Nd). Nd 2 O 3
Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December Internal Background BgAct(mBq/kg)Ge measurement Modane-Baksan Found from 1e channel 210 Bi Tl Pb m Pa84.4- Found from e Channel 207 Bi Found from e + 214 Bi15.3< V.Tretyak(Aussoi s 2005) 40 K66.7< V.Vasiliev (Dubna 2004) 208 Tl Ac Bi22.1- Ge measurement 152 Eu38.3(modane)21.6(Baksan) External Background & Background on the Surface Background on the Surface of the Wires and Foils. of the Wires and Foils. BgAct(Bq) SW 214 Bi0.623 SW 214 Pb0.623 SF 214 Bi SF 214 Pb PM 214 Bi374 PM 214 Pb374 PM 228 Ac515 PM 60 Co50.7 PM 40 K954 Air 214 Pb702 Air 214 Bi702
Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December Data taking time = days = 1.16 yr. Events should come from Nd 2 O 3. Data Selection Pre-selection for 150 Nd to 2 events: Two electrons with E 1,E 2 > 0.2 MeV. Both electrons originate from a common vertex. Track starts from layers 1 & 2 of the tracker. No alpha decay in the event. No gamma cluster with energy >0.15 MeV.
Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December
6 Final Half-life Result for 150 Nd to 2 T 12 = (stat) 0.85(syst) x y Number of data events: 1271 Number of total background: 412 Efficiency 6.74%
Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi, Group Christmass Meeting December Plan for Future: Put limit on using this measured half-life. Put limit on T 12 0 using this measured half-life. More data has to be added to have more statistics!! More data has to be added to have more statistics!! Just started working with 160 Cd. Just started working with 160 Cd. + The first draft of a technical note on The first draft of a technical note on 150 Nd 2 analysis is written! Has to be approved by the collaboration to become part of a paper!