Presentation of the bio waste management model WP5 – Action 5.1,5.2,5.3 5.1-2-3 Status Report PTC in Corsica 21+22/10/14.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of the bio waste management model WP5 – Action 5.1,5.2, Status Report PTC in Corsica 21+22/10/14

SCOW Partner: SYVADEC Country: FRANCE Region/Community that Participates in the project : CORSICA

Situation/comments Actual Date Planed Date A.Planning & Construction The SYVADEC chose two solutions to treat bio-wastes : - An electro mechanical composter (for large producers near to the treatment area) - Individual composters for smaller producers furthest Defined and presented model May Adaptation of the model 2. Definition of separation schedule

Situation/comments Actual Date Planed Date A.Planning & Construction 3. Transportation program 4. Compost plant design

MODIFICATIONS IN RESPECT TO THE MODEL PRESENTED IN MALTA? No change since the presentation in Malta: 244 Tons treated. 2 solutions : 1 electromechanical composter+ 600 individual composters Modifications tones treated Bio waste Bulking material 1 pilot territory for the project : Central Corsica (with implementation of the composter and a separate collection / inhabitants are concerned) And the rest of Corsica for small composters (ex. Castel Brando for Cap Corse / College Saint Joseph for the agglomeration of Bastia, inhabitants (population served by SYVADEC) Modifications users involved Municipalities Inhabitants Big/singular producers

MODIFICATIONS IN RESPECT TO THE MODEL PRESENTED IN MALTA? No change Modifications Plant/EMC/equipment characteristics Equipment Infrastructure Others Works - Budget : € HT Electromechanical composter - Budget : € HT Other composters - Budget : € HT Modifications budget BL3-Infrastructure BL4-Equipment

Situation/comments Actual Date Planed Date A.Planning & Construction The SYVADEC decided to set up the composter on one of its sites. No need of building permit 5. Licenses for plant Construction project 2 received tenders 1 price negotiation 1 holder : Groupe Vauché May Tenders for equipment 2 received tenders 1 holder : May Tenders for buildings

Equipment proposed by groupe Vauché

Situation/comments Actual Date Planed Date A.Planning & Construction Civil engineering works and composter building have began in September 2014 July Acquisition of equipment and buildings Works in progress Civil engineering completed Building of Composter in progress September Construction of composting plants 2013 : Agreement with Communauté de communes Central Corsica for the separate bio waste collection 2014 : Meeting with large producers End of October 2014 : signature of a Commitment Charter between SYVADEC/Large producers and Central Corsica Since the beginning of the project 10. Agreements (municipalities, producers, location, operation, collaboration, compost users, etc.)

Photo – Beginning of works Photo middle of Works Photo – End of Works

Situation/comments Include specific needs to be supported by comm. team Actual Date Planed Date B. Communication Realisation of a presentation document of the project (For meetings) In Progress : charter between producers/SYVADEC and Communauté de Communes Central Corsica June Preparation of Info packs 2 meeting with large producers : -12 th of June th of June 2014 June Meetings with target Groups

Presentation leaflet of the project Press release after the meeting with large producers

Situation/comments Include specific needs to be supported by comm. team Actual Date Planed Date B. Communication Meeting with producers since May 2014 for deposit evaluation, collect system and project presentation Sorting of bio wastes (Test phase) since the middle of September 2015 with CROUS Since May Door-to-door visits– Households/Commercial activ. April 2013 : composting workshops at schools October 2013 : composting workshops for kids April 2014 Sorting of bio wastes and workshop for no-waste attitude for kids Since April Education in schools, other specific places

No-waste attitude (Workshop) and sorting (April 2014) Composting workshop (April 2013)

Situation/comments Include specific needs to be supported by comm. team Actual Date Planed Date B. Communication Official kick off during platform inauguration January Local initial Event Minutes after exploitation of one year (Tons collected/ Compost production / actors etc.) December Local final event 7. Actual instructions Pilot site : CROUS (Sorting of bio wastes since September 2014) / Continuation of animations linked to composting with kids (Primary school) Beginning of the project 8. Training activities (mentors, service operators)

Awareness of students in CROUS (Canteen of University) 22/09/2014 Implementation of bio wastes sorting at the exit of the restaurant

Situation/Comments Actual Date Planed Date C. Implementing stage Forecasted into the electromechanical composter tenders January Trouble shooting 2. Feedback 3. Needed changes

Thank you for your attention ! SYVADEC Marjorie Morize