Lesson 10: First Impressions Lesson 11: Self-Confidence for Leaders
Self-Confidence is all about the way you PRESENT yourself….the presence that you have.
As we have discussed in past classes, first impressions are so very important. When you first meet someone, that person has no way of knowing if you have self confidence, if you are good at what you do, if you are intelligent, or if you are a good person. Instead, they rely on CUES you provide to help them form opinions about you. First Impressions
Don’t forget, you have only 30 seconds to make that first impression. If that interaction does not go well, it takes approximately 20 additional POSITIVE encounters with that person to undo that bad first impression.
Eye Contact – look people in the eye when you are talking with them; make it appropriate Posture – lean slightly in toward the person you are greeting to convey you are warm and caring Handshake – firm, but not over the top. No “jive” handshakes; no two-handed handshakes Cues that People Notice
Dress and Grooming – always dress appropriately. At home, dress however you wish; dress appropriately for the social situation. Always be groomed…meaning shower, use deodorant, and comb your hair in an appropriate style. Facial Expressions – SMILE! Show people you are nice. Tone of Voice and Word Selection – convey with your voice that you are warm and caring, but also that you know what you are talking about
Level of Relaxation/Stress – show that you are relaxed, even if you are nervous. Don’t be uptight or stressed out. Energy Level – have a sense of “being alive”; be awake, alert, and interested in the interaction. To improve on these things…you must PRACTICE
First Impressions Assignment: You will have to approach 2 adults here at GEHS that you do not know and introduce yourself. See the assignment handout for specific requirements You must also give out the survey form to each of the adults you approach. This survey form will be returned to me by each of them. See the handout. Assignment
Now that you will have practice making actual first impressions, let’s go over some other very important skills needed when interacting with others, let’s say in the professional world. Whether you are going in for a new job, seeking a college scholarship, etc. there are certain skills you need regarding interacting with people to simply be successful in the real world.
How would you respond if you are standing in a circle of people and someone enters the room and walks up to the group with the intention of entering it?
What do you do when you are behind a desk and person who has an appointment with you enters the room?
How would you handle a situation where a person who has an appointment with you has overstayed his/her time? How would you let the person know it is time for the meeting to end?
As we have discussed, making good first impressions is important to being a leader. But you MUST focus on the INTERNAL things you want to convey: ◦ WARMTH ◦ KINDNESS ◦ AUTHORITY ◦ KNOWLEDGE ◦ GENUINENESS Internal Qualities of Leaders
Research tell us that: ◦ 55% of every message is communicated through the use of BODY LANGUAGE ◦ 38% of a message is communicated through your TONE OF VOICE ◦ Only 7% of a message is communicated through the ACTUAL WORDS WE SAY
So instead of worrying so much on WHAT we are going to say, we ought to be working on HOW we are going to say it! The overall goal of this is always based on building relationships. Leaders understand that others’ need should be considered at least as important as their own.
The topic of our third speech is: Memorable Experiences So think of THREE memorable experiences you have had in your life and would like to share with the class. Remember to come up with a good title, as well as good opening and closing lines. Work on not only what you are going to say, but HOW you will say it through your body language, tone of voice, and overall presence. Speeches will be for one and half minutes! Speech Assignment
Do you consider yourself confident? Why or why not? Give examples and elaborate. Are you self-confident in certain situations as compared to other situations? Explain and support. Whether you are naturally self-confident or not, how can you present yourself to others in a way that demonstrates self-confidence? Journal Questions