Health & Fitness
Physical Activity, Fitness, & Exercise Physical activity is any movement that makes your body use extra energy. Fitness Being fit means to be able to handle physical work and play each day without getting overly tired Exercise Planned physical activity done regularly to build or maintain one’s fitness
Benefits of physical activity : Build and maintain muscles and bones Sleep better Manage stress and weight Increase strength and flexibility Keeps blood pressure at a healthy level Makes you heart and lungs work better Have more energy Less danger of developing diseases in the future
5 elements of Health- Related Physical Fitness 1.Cardiovascular endurance 2.Muscular strength 3.Muscular endurance 4.Flexibility 5.Body composition
Types of Exercise Aerobic exercise Rhythmic moderate-to-vigorous activity that uses large amounts of oxygen and works the heart and lungs Anaerobic exercise Intense physical activity that builds muscle that does not use large amounts of oxygen Examples?
Measuring your fitness Push-ups : as many properly done push-ups you can do consecutively (without resting in the up position for more than 5 seconds) Sit ups : as many as you can in 1 minute. Shoulders off the floor and back down. Partner holding your feet down. Sit and reach : back against the wall. Knees straight. Bottom staying on the wall and your reach down a yard stick between your feet, that are 1 foot apart. Take the best score out of 3. Height & Weight: Body mass index Pacer or 1 mile run: timed running