TOTAL BUDGET MMS 8 TH Graders have been working extremely hard doing various fundraisers. As a result of our hard work we have raised a total of $9,635. This money will be used to cover the cost of the following: venue (location) entertainment refreshment & decorations.
ENTERTAINMENT CHOICES (TRADE-OFFS) Local Band from Montgomery$1,000 Better Band from Birmingham$2,500 Even Better Band from Atlanta$4,000 Popular New group from Atlanta$5,000 Popular, Nationally known Band from LA or NYC$6,500 Well Known, Internationally known Band form LA or NYC$8,000
ENTERTAINMENTS DECISION I selected a band from Birmingham at the cost of $2,500. I felt that we could get a band everyone would enjoy for a fairly good price. This will leave us $7,135 towards our location, food and decorations.
LOCATION CHOICES (TRADE-OFFS) Millbrook Middle School: Gym or Cafeteria$ 0 Millbrook Civic Center$ 500 Wetumpka Civic Center$1,000 Marriott Hotel at RTJ Golf Course in Prattville$2,000 Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Montgomery$3,000
LOCATION DECISION As our location I selected the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Montgomery at the cost of $ I selected this location so we can have a very large but nice conference room that will be large enough for a live band, a dance area and an area for refreshments and possible tables and sitting. This will leave us $4,135 towards our food and decorations.
REFRESHMENTS & DECORATIONS TRADE-OFFS Decorations only- no food or drinks$ 750 Decorations plus light snacks and drinks catered$1,250 Decorations plus MORE (3 times as many) snacks and drinks catered$3,000 Decorations plus a full meal with dessert catered$5,000
REFRESHMENTS & DECORATIONS DECISION I chose to pay for decoration and 3 times as many snacks and drinks so that everyone would have enough food. This would allow for everyone to have refreshments through the entire event. This will leave us $1,135 towards our class project.
TOTALS Beginning Balance$9,635 Less Cost of Location -$2,500 Total left:$7,135 Less Cost of Entertainment -$3,000 Total left:$4,135 Less Cost of Entertainment -$3,000 Total left:$1,135 Grand total spent: $8,500 Amount leftover: $1,135
CLASS PROJECT I believe the leftover amount of $1,135 should be donated to MMS for the purchase of classroom supplies such as (copy paper, germ x, paper towels, Kleenex, pencils etc.)