Troop 75 Summer Camp 2016 Scout and Parent Information Meeting April 7, 2016
Troop 75 Summer Camp 2016 Old West July 24 – 30, 2016 Winnebago Scout Reservation Rockaway, NJ
Raffle Tonight Win a $50 Ticket to Summer Camp! Current Scouts - payment due dates $386 - Early Bird Discount - Deadline April 28 $425 - After April 28 New Scouts (former Webelos) - payment due dates $386 - Early Bird Discount - Deadline May 26 $425 - After May 26 All Scouts Final Due Date – forms & payment Registration forms & payment DUE BY June 2 Troop 75 Summer Camp 2016
Camp Scholarships are Available Warren Wheeler Adventureship Submit Application Before April 1 Multi-Week Multi-Scout Discounts First Scout is full price $50 off for each additional Scout or week Troop 75 Summer Camp 2016 Camp T-Shirts (Class B) - New in 2016 Cost is $10 - get 2 T-shirt ($5 each) Scout must purchase so entire Troop can wear them in place of Class A uniform shirt during select camp dinners & events. Adult sizes only: small, med, large, XL, 2XL ( specify on registration form) Camp Photos (Optional) $10 must be included with reservation form
Day Camping Can’t make it the entire week? Flexible hours, Dining Hall meals available Provisional Troops Take advantage of additional weeks Complete additional Merit Badges Additional Summer Camp Opportunities Specialty Camps – Camp Somers, Stanhope, NJ August (one week only) Must be First Class Scouts and above to participate Backwoods Engineering Aquatics Lumberjack Shooting Sports
Learn What it Takes to Become an Eagle! Separate Registration Open to Star and Life Scouts Must be 13 by July 1 st Limited to 24 Scouts per class Camps and eats with Trail to Eagle Troop Program offers all Eagle required Merit Badges Prerequisites should be completed before camp Early Registration $399 due by April 30 Regular Registration $439 due after April 30 Trail to Eagle Camp
Blue Card Protocol Scouts are responsible to request them from Scoutmaster Fill out carefully in pen: crossing out not allowed Scouts must ensure all required signatures are present
Review Merit Badge schedule before selecting badges scout wants to work on during camp Some have prerequisites and some require scout to be a certain rank or a 2 nd year scout Complete required prerequisites before arrival at camp Refer to “Notes” section for more information about what the scout may need to purchase for badge that may include a small fee for a kit COMPLETE the Merit Badge Planning Sheet and review with scout. Completed sheet must be handed in no later than June 2, 2016 Merit Badge Selections and Preparation
Find partially completed Blue Cards from past years o Encourage Scout to complete partial this summer Merit Badge worksheets can be downloaded: or Merit Badge Selections and Preparation Parade Field 7pm Sunday Evening After Dinner Sign up for Merit Badges and meet counselors More classes will be offered if popular class fills up Merit Badge Meet and Greet
Scout will focus their time working on rank requirements Scout can work on: Leatherwork, Fingerprinting, or Indian Lore during their free time. Form their own Dan Beard patrol(s) o Work and eat together o Camp with the Troop o May count toward Green Bar Bill Award Prepare for Thursday outpost adventure o Complete many camping requirements Dan Beard Scouts and Merit Badges
Zip Lining across Durham Pond o 2000 feet at 25 mph o Must be 100 lbs. to ride Fishing on Miss Winnie o Get a taste and you will never go back o The bass are huge! o Leaves at 6am Star Gazing o Go to Ecology every weeknight to see the Stars! Fishing Contest and Fish Fry o Catch a 12” fish for the Ecology aquarium o Fish fry every Friday for Fishing Merit Badge Mud Hike o Wear clothes you don’t mind getting very dirty Other Activities
Night Owl Hike o Every Wednesday evening Troop Plaque o Leave a legacy you will be proud to see years from now Night Watch o Campfire on site after 8pm o Follow instructions on pages 16 and 39 of Leader Guide Paul Bunyan Woodsman Award o Teach Totin’ Chip to other Scouts o Complete a Woodsman Project Polar Bear Swim (meet at waterfront 6am) Mountain Biking Batting Cage Frisbee Golf Basketball, Kickball, Tetherball (it’s harder than it looks), Volleyball, Wiffleball and Paintball (20 shots/$1) (Other Activities) 2
Split Rock portages o Get a taste for Sabattis High Adventure o Swimmer level required o Bring your backpack, tent and hiking boots! o Qualifies for a Camping Merit Badge requirement Hikes to Indian Cliffs o 11 years of age required o Bring your backpack, tent and hiking boots! o Qualifies for a Camping Merit Badge requirement (Other Activities) 3
Winnebago Acorn Award Special form used to record completion of requirements Accomplish five (5) of the seven (7) items SM or SPL can initial any of the completed requirements Turn in the completed form to the SPL Green Bar Bill Award Special form used to record completion of requirements SPL can initial any of the completed requirements Requires at least 50% of the patrol to participate Turn in the completed form to the SPL Baden Powell Award Special form used to record completion of requirements SM initials requirements as they are completed Requires at least 50% of the patrol to participate Turn in the completed form to Commissioner by 5pm Friday
Mr. Pietrucha Mr. McNamara On-Site Leaders Registration and Medical Forms Ms. Macri
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