Serbian Transmission System and Market Operator Public Enterprise “Elektromreža Srbije”
Public Enterprise Elektromreža Srbije (PE EMS) Serbian Transmission System and Market Operator 100% state-owned company А ddress: Belgrade, Kneza Miloša 11
Basic activities Transmission of electricity System operation Organization of electricity market Elektromreža Srbije is Serbian Transmission System and Market Operator (TSMO) and a member of European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).
Mission and Vision Mission the continuous, secure and reliable supply of high quality electricity to customers in Serbia; the non-discriminatory access to the transmission system; and provision of transit according to the cross border transmission rules. Vision The efficient company built upon a modern concept, ensuring the high level of security of electricity supply to consumers, development of electricity market in Serbia and its integration in European electricity market.
PE EMS Transmission System Facilities
PE EMS Transmission System Facilities (2) PE EMS manages 95 substation and 187 transformers, total installed capacity 18,622 MVA. PE EMS total overhead line network lenght of diferrent voltage levels (400 KV, 220 KV, 110 KV) amounts to 9, km.
Organization Structure
Qualification Structure Total number of employees – 1,370 An average age of the employees years highly-skilled degree high-school degree skilled degree Semi-skilled + elementary school degree unskilled degree college degree university degree Master of Science
Human Resources & Career Potentials PE EMS has had a policy of a special focus on recruitment of young graduates, as well as on education and professional development of its employees, PE EMS established cooperation with the University of Belgrade (the most intensive cooperation), Electronic Faculty of Niš, the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and some professional schools so that students and secondary school graduates can have training internship in EMS in order to gain necessary experience for building of their future careers. The aim of this cooperation is to assist young people in getting involved in the industry and in finding proper jobs, as well as to get an insight in potential employees for future recruitment in EMS.
Career Development Human Resources Development and Education Unit of PE EMS selecting and recruiting students who wish to apply for professional practice, Professional practice 1 At the end of the academic year preceding their final year at the university, a month of professional practice in the Enterprise during the summer, for which they receive 20% of a monthly salary. Professional practice 2 At the end of their final academic year at the university, 3 months of professional practice in the Enterprise during the summer, for which they receive 40% of a monthly salary. Postgraduate students are given opportunity to conduct 3-month-long master thesis research in EMS, for which they receive 60% of a monthly salary After finalising master thesis young masters can apply for apprenticeship (training period) which lasts for a year (80% of a monthly salary) and can lead to a permanent employment (100% ). FOR YEAR OF A CONECTION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND COMPANY