Digital Marketing Planning Promote a non-marketing related qualification to a defined target market
SWOT analysis StrengthWeakness OpportunitiesThreats INTERNAL EXTERNAL
Strength Comprehensive and (mostly) non-competitive course offering across all member colleges TBC institutions have strong reputation as thought leaders in their respective fields Cross-college PhD scholarships are unique in the UK (even worldwide?) Strong skill set in member colleges on international recruitment
Weakness Competing interest between individual colleges and TBC objectives Lack of resources (man power & budget) to implement and execute digital marketing strategy for TBC website Vision & objectives for TBC aren’t clear; missing link between TBC & college objectives TBC brand awareness is limited to UK market Expertise silos within colleges
Opportunities Growing demographic of educated students in Asia UK universities still carry prestige & are held in high esteem China’s 1-child policy generated a brand of driven parents Growth of social networks in Asia lowers cost of entry and engagement considerably Sheer size of Indian & Chinese population means Higher Education needs can’t be met by local universities
Threats Stricter student visa regulations Growing number of Asian universities partnering with US/UK institutions Falling quality standards & reputation of UK universities Substantial funding cuts in UK HE budgets US universities aggressively competing in the same market Dominance of local social networks can be barrier to entry
RACE: framework REACHACT & CONVERT ENGAGE Increase total monthly visits by 25% Reduce bounce rate below 50% Increase # of repeat visits to website Double monthly visits from Asia Increase # of pages viewed per visit Raise % of open/click rates for newsletter Increase referral visits to 25% Raise # applications for Bloomsbury scholarships Monitor use of ‘Bloomsbury scholarship’ phrase Monitor sign-ups to Bloomsbury scholarships newsletter
Evaluation / Conlusion SOSTAC planning model + step-by-step approach + assesses current situation + clearly defined outcomes -Inherent need to gather & interpret information - wrong info or wrong interpretation
Evaluation / Conlusion Asia is key market for growth of TBC and its member colleges Clearer vision and commitment to TBC is needed Lack of resources Power & politics