C AREER S ERVICES : GIPE Created in 1996 to promote employment and entrepreneurship among students and graduates. Belong to the Vice-presidency of Student Affairs Targeted on job vacancies and job seekers with university profiles. Focused in meeting the EHEA requirements concerning job search skills. 2
JOBS Publishing job vacancies Registration of jobseekers Making recruitment processes INTERNSHIPS Agreements with companies of different sectors. Publishing internships vacancies. Registration internship- seekers Making recruitment processes CAREER GUIDANCE TRAINING Writing CV Job interview Self- introductio INFORMA- TION Labor market JOB FAIR SELF-EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT Promoting entrepre- neurial culture Help for preparing the bussines plan. Access to the bussines centre. Access to grants and microcredits LABOR MARKET INFORMATION SYSTEM Labor market. analisis Secondary data source. Big-data analysis of users and company profiles. 3 C AREER S ERVICES : S UMMARY OF PROGRAMS
C AREER S ERVICE – GIPE - J OBS JOBS: Employers: Submit a Graduate Vacancy. Advertising the job vacancy in the web site Making a pre-selection of a number of graduates interested in a job vacancy. The employer makes the final selection. Students job seekers: Enrolled in the job data base. GIPE will no advertise o pre-select graduates for job vacancies that does not meet a university profile. 4
C AREER S ERVICES – GIPE - I NTERNSHIPS. INTER-SHIP: Intern-ships in Spain are regulated by RD 1707/2011 and 1493/2011. It says that students in Spain can be interns in companies only when they coplete the 50 % of credits to get a degree and are still enrolled at university. At the UA we distinguish: Curricular: Intership is validated as a number of credits according to the degree program. Non currucular: Employers are required to pay a scholarship according to the number of hours that the student are interns. In GIPE we offer non currucular INTERN-SHIPS 5
INTER-SHIP: The main objective of this program is to bring the student to a real working atmosphere in order to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the graduate studies. EMPLOYERS participate in the program in order to training the students for future recruitment processes. At the same time students also transmit to the companies knowledges, values and attitudes acquired at University. STUDENTS can take experiences from the business world that help them to clear up the ideas about what the labor market lets them to make with all the knowledge acquired at University, and also to take decision about professional future making use of a real experience. 6 C AREER S ERVICES – GIPE - I NTERNSHIPS.
C AREER S ERVICES – GIPE - G UIDANCE CAREER-GUIDANCE: STUDENTS can attend to GIPE to ask for help in order to improve the quality of the Job Search Process. GIPE Guidance : What would I like to do? Preferences What do I know how? Reality What does the labour market allow me to do?: viability 7
SELF-EMPLOYMENT: ua:emprende is an institutional program developed to make entrepreneurship an inherent feature of the University of Alicante. GIPE is a big part of this program and is responsible: Mentoring program Business Center Dinamizations Business competitions 8 C AREER S ERVICES – GIPE - E NTREPRENEURS