Instructional Coaching Steve Barkley
Coaching Options TechnicalChallenge CoachingCoaching Collegial Cognitive Coaching
Instructional Coaching EVALUATION Outside Criteria MENTORING PEER COACHING Teacher’s Choice SUPERVISION
Changes Needed to Improve Student Achievement 5.How do you see your role in the changing behaviors of students, teachers, teacher leaders, and administrator? YOU 4.What are the behaviors/practices of school leadership that are necessary to initiate, motivate, and support these changes? 3.Are there changes that need to occur in the way that staff members work with each other in order for the desired individual staff members changes to occur? 2.What changes must occur in individual staff/teacher practices to generate the changes you seek in students? What changes must occur in parent practices to generate the changes you seek in students? 2.What changes must occur in individual staff/teacher practices to generate the changes you seek in students? What changes must occur in parent practices to generate the changes you seek in students? 1.What are the changes in student behavior, performance, choices, effort, etc., that you believe are precursors to the improvement in student learning that you seek?
Trusting the Roles Teacher Coach Administrator
Trusting the Roles communication between coach and admin 2.admin talks to coach... No coach to admin 3.Coach shares good news 4.Full… open sharing Teacher Coach Administrator
Pre-observation Conference Observation Post-observation Conference
The Environmental Influences
OPEN ENVIRONMENT Uncover Thinking Opinions Problem Solving Creativity Critical Thinking Discussion Emotions/Feeling Counseling
CLOSED ENVIRONMENT Right/Wrong One Way Sequence Skills Test Control Authority Quick Fix
The Environmental Influences Right/Wrong One Way Sequence Skills Test Control Authority Quick Fix Uncover Thinking Opinions Problem Solving Creativity Critical Thinking Discussion Emotions/Feeling Counseling
LISTENING TEST You believe that My focus is I should notice
Confirmatory Paraphrase Fact Attitude/Feeling Intention Commitment
Coach: That was a difficult lesson Coachee: It’s frustrating to put so much time into planning a lesson and then not have it go well.
PRACTICE Teacher: My students won’t read an assignment so I don’t see how I can do anything other than present information in class hoping they will remember some of it.
Fact You have not been able to get many of the students to work outside of class.
Teacher: My students won’t read an assignment so I don’t see how I can do anything other than present information in class hoping they will remember some of it. Feeling You are worried that presenting information in class won’t get the student achievement that you want.
Teacher: My students won’t read an assign- ment so I don’t see how I can do anything other than present information in class hoping they will remember some of it. Attitude If students read outside of class you would teach very differently. You want to find a way to get them to read outside of class.
Gripes to Goals
Too many students don’t care about their grades…there is no way to motivate them to work. Failing them isn’t a threat.
Gripes to Goals Too many students don’t care about their grades… there is no way to motivate them to work. Failing them isn’t a threat. You have a strong desire for your students to do well. Grades just don’t seem to be it. You see a need to find a different way to motivate your students.
Select a desired student outcome for achievement ____________________ What student behaviors are critical for students to reach this outcome? What teacher behaviors are most likely to create these desired student behaviors?
Analysis Identify classrooms in your school that are closest to full implementation of your vision for learning. Describe in detail the observable student behaviors. Describe in detail the observable teacher behaviors.
Analysis Identify classrooms in your school that must change the most to reach full implementation of your vision for learning. Describe in detail the observable student behaviors. Describe in detail the observable teacher behaviors.
Appraise Consider one area of teacher practice that is crucial to your desired student achievement. Rank your classrooms along this continuum Most Full Change Implementation Needed
Evaluation/Appraisal Select one skill set that you believe is most important. __________________ Rank teachers according to this system: Unwilling Unaware Getting Ready Started Developing
Unconsciously Talented Unconsciously Unskilled Consciously Unskilled Consciously Skilled Unconsciously Skilled Gordon’s (1974) Skill Development Ladder Gordon’s Skill Development Ladder The Art of Teaching
Instructional Coaching EVALUATION Outside Criteria MENTORING PEER COACHING Teacher’s Choice SUPERVISION
Approval H.I.P. Personalize Cite the Specifics
Making Suggestions Phrase Positively Clear and Specific Congruent Pay-off
Payoff Cost
Approval H.I.P. Personalize Cite the Specifics
Observation Form
Barth: By collegiality I mean four things One, teachers talking with one another about the work they do -- talking in faculty meetings, in hallways, in classrooms, at the dinner table about practice. Second, sharing that craft knowledge, shouting it from the mountaintop, and honoring it when someone else is sharing it.
Third, making our practice mutually visible. That is, you come into my classroom and watch me teach seventh-grade biology and I come into your classroom and watch you teach ninth-grade geometry, and, afterward, we talk about what we are doing and why, and what we can learn from each other. Above all, collegiality means rooting for the success of one another. If every adult in the school is rooting for you, when the alarm clock rings at six a.m., you jump out of bed to go to that school.