How do I log in with admin access? How do I log in with admin access? Updating your members Updating your members Updating your board Updating your board How do I give others admin access? How do I assign positions? Membership management in general. Updating your “Contact Us” Updating your “Contact Us” Updating Membership Levels Updating Membership Levels General Questions General Questions
Your first step with maneuvering the website will be logging in with your admin access! There are 2 ways you can do this: Return to FAQ
Go to and you’ll find the following page: Select “Chapter Admin” and enter your username/password credentials Return to FAQ
OR log in to the normal website Select “Website Administration” to be taken to the admin login page. Contact with any login Return to FAQ
Perhaps upon becoming President there aren’t any major changes with your chapter’s board, but you’ll want to make sure of a few things. You should see this page once you’ve logged in and clicked Member/Member Management Return to FAQ
Find the drop down menu to select “All with Positions” and click search to bring up a list of all members in your chapter with a title Return to FAQ
You’ll want to keep positions up-to-date! Click anywhere on their first/last name to assign them Return to FAQ
Select “Membership”. Decide on this person’s position based off the given choices. You can even select more than one position for them! Hold “ctrl” and click on each position. “Save Profile” to finish. Return to FAQ
If members ever request a Chapter change, only Super Admins can do To manually add someone, click “Add New”. You will need the following info: First Name, Last Name, , Username, and Password. If someone requests to be removed you can delete them. Click the crossed out circle and confirm. Return to FAQ
At the top right of your website people will click your “Contact Us” link, bringing up this page. The form on the right s The form on the left is information you provide about your Chapter. This can be Chapter President, webmaster, advisory board, etc. Return to FAQ
Select “General Settings” then “Contact Setting” Enter your contact and social media information. Click “Edit Contact Settings” to finish. When new members register, the person selected here will receive notifications Don’t forget to connect your social media! Return to FAQ
Make sure your membership levels are all up to date. Add new ones here Edit here Mark inactive to not use them right now Delete levels to permanently remove them Return to FAQ
If you still have questions after referring to this presentation, feel free to contact Remember the site will only be as powerful of a tool as you make it! Follow the BYU Management Society Return to FAQ