Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits WEBSITES / MICROSITES ON ISA.ORG a “How-to” session
Agenda IntroductionIntroduction Logging In The Back End The Front End Adding Files Conclusion 2
I recommend the introductory tutorial: - Transcript (pdf) documents/tutorial-transcript-intro-to-ektron-content-and-pages the Manual for Webmasters: Ektron Manual for ISA Section and Division Webmasters (pdf) These resources and others are linked into at Members Corner > Leaders Resources > Operating Documents. Webmasters: ISA Tutorial: Introduction to Ektron content and pages Video ISA Tutorial Video
Agenda Introduction Logging InLogging In The Back End The Front End Adding Files Conclusion 4
Login to the ISA web Portal: To login to the Ektron back-end, go to and use the following credentials for your section: Username: Password: Logging In
The Login Screen 6
The First Screen you see
Agenda Introduction Logging In The Back EndThe Back End The Front End Uploading Files Conclusion 8
1.Content 2.Pages The Content Folders
Once you are logged in, you will need to know where to find your sites in the folder structure: Richland Section content is located at Content > Folders > CONTENT > Membership > Participate in a local section > Richland Richland pages are located at Content > Folders > PAGES > Membership > Participate in a local section > Richland
Adding Multiple Documents Important: This option requires Internet Explorer and Office 2003 or higher on your computer. Also, you must enable ActiveX controls in your browser settings. To do this, open Internet Explorer and go to Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab > Custom Level button. Within that screen, under ActiveX controls and plugins, find Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting*and click Enable. Note: The title of the uploaded document is set to the filename minus the extension. Only the following file types can be uploaded: *.doc,*.xls,*.ppt,*.pdf,*.gif,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.log,*.vsd,*.dot,*.zip,*.swf,*.wm a,*.wav,*.avi, *.mp3, *.mp4, *.rm, *.wmv, *.ra, *.mov, *.png,*.docx,*.xlsx,*.pptx, *.vsdx, *.wmf, *.xml, *.htm, *.html, *.flv Steps From the Ektron Workarea, select the Content tab. Select the Ektron folder in which you want to place the documents.
Click New > Multiple DMS Documents 4.Select your version of MS Office and click OK. If Office 2003 or 2007 is installed as well as Office 2010, choose Office The Multiple Document Upload option uses MS Office to perform the upload. The upload screen appears. NOTE: If you later change your computer's Office version, update this setting from the Add Assets button > Multiple DMS Document option > Switch Office version option. 5.Open Windows Explorer in a separate window, then drag and drop files onto the screen. Or, you can Browse for files instead. You can only import files from one folder at a time.
Publishing pages Click UPLOAD. Click Publish.
If you cannot edit a page - do these 3 steps in order Here is the workaround for the "edit" page Ektron bug. (it's also in the user manual in the Troubleshooting appendix.) 1. EDIT the properties of the page in the backend and Click SAVE (without making any changes), then click the "<" arrow to Cancel. When prompted, click Leave this page. 2. Go back to the browser window with the page and refresh the page. You should have "check-in" available in the file menu. Click on Check in. 3. Now edit should be available on the file menu of the page. Click on Edit.
If 'Houston' is displayed across the top of your new page If 'Houston' is displayed across the top of your new page instead of your section or division name, then a step was missed in creating the page (page 17 of the user manual). Of course, I know that because I've skipped that step myself multiple times... To fix the name a. Edit the properties of the page. b. Click on the "metadata" tab. c. Scroll down to "portal name". d. Delete Houston and put yours. It will display exactly as you type it. e. Publish the page.
Editing in the Back end
Agenda Introduction Logging In The Back End The Front EndThe Front End Uploading Files Conclusion 19
Editing a Page: a. The top banner (click the pushpin) b. See the silver bubble
View the HTML code
Cancel or Publish your work
Editing the page
Agenda Introduction Logging In The Back End The Front End Uploading FilesUploading Files Conclusion 26
DMS Documents
Agenda Introduction Logging In The Back End The Front End Uploading Files ConclusionConclusion 34
Conclusions Just do it! It’s new & a little bit “User Unfriendly” But, we need to get the word out to our members 35
For ISA Staff Support Kaycee Heyer Skype ID Kaycee.heyer1 Kaycee Heyer will likely be your point of contact for getting started with building your section site. Her Skype ID is a way to see if she is at my computer and to ask questions via instant message, or to start a video meeting. You can arrange a virtual meeting where she can share her screen and walk you through any questions.
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