Basic Constructions 1.Each students will need the “Chapter 1-6 Geometry Constructions” Packet provided by the teacher. Students will work together in groups of 4, but each must have their own packet. Each student will also need a straight edge and a compass. 2.The group will be assigned one iPad to share. Go to to view instructional videos for the assigned constructions. 1.Copy a Line Segment Link : 2.Copy and Angle Link: 3.Perpendicular Bisector Link: 4.Bisect an Angle Link: OR 1.Go to 2.Scroll down, and under “Constructions” click “Constructions Table of Contents” 3.Find the assigned constructions link and click on those for instructional videos 3.After watching these videos, you may replay them as much as necessary, and complete the assigned constructions in your packet. Students will work together in groups to make formal geometric contstuctions on a worksheet provided by the teacher. They will watch videos of the constructions on iPads to do so. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass. Constructions include: -copying an angle -copying a segment -perpendicular bisectors -angle bisectors S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Basic Constructions Scavenger Hunt 1.Each group of 4 will need ONE task sheet to record their answers on. 2.Each group will have one iPad. 3.QR codes will be place around the room, and each will have a number. In the classroom there are 4 different QR code sections. One section of the room will have QR codes with a #1 next to them, another section will have QR codes with #2 next to them, etc. 4.Each group member will take turns scanning a QR code within the room. The will use the “i-nigma” app on the ipads to scan the QR codes. The QR codes are numbered 1-4. Make sure students only scan each number once. 5.The group member who scanned the QR code will place the number next to the correct “Construction Type,” based on the steps shown in the video, in the chart below. That group member will also initial next to their answer in the 3 rd column of the chart. 6. Each group member must initial once in the chart. That means that EACH group member must provide an answer. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! Students will scan QR codes in the classroom that will link them to videos of specific constructions. The students will have to identify which construction is taking place in the video and record their answers. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): To identify basic constructions based on steps illustrated in videos. Students will collaborate to draw conclusions about specific steps illustrated in construction videos. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Ch. 1-6 ActivInspire Constructions 1.Students will each need to log in to a computer in the computer lab, and retrieve the flipchart titled “ActivInspire Constructions” located under the “Ch. 1-6 Constructions Folder” on Blackboard. 2.The students will use the “Compass Tool” on ActivInspire to complete specific constructions in the Flipchart. To access the compass tool click “Tools” > “Math Tools” > “Compass” 3.Each student will complete the constructions individually in their own flipchart. They may use their notes, ask a nearby peer, or ask the teacher for assistance to complete their construction. 4.When finshed, each student will save their flipchart to the desktop as “activinspireconstruct_lastname_firstname_hour” Example: activinspireconstruct_stcyr_elizabeth_4 th 5. Each student will then submit their file to Blackboard under the link “ActivInspire Constructions Submissions”. 6. Review 2 other posts. Students will complete this individual assignment in the computer lab. They will use the compass tool on ActivInspire to complete construction in a flipchart provided on Blackboard. The students will submit their work to Blackboard for a grade when finished. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass on computer software. Constructions include: -copying an angle -copying a segment -perpendicular bisectors -angle bisectors M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
Name that Construction! 1.Students will work in partner’s and use an iPad to video themselves completing a construction assigned by the teacher. The students will use a compass and a straightedge to make the construction. They will be assigned one of the following constructions: 1.Copy a Line Segment 2.Copy and Angle 3.Perpendicular Bisector 4.Bisect an Angle 2.One student will video while the other student completes the construction. The student videoing the construction is still responsible for the accuracy of the construction, thus they may need to coach their partner through the process if they need help. 3.After making their video, the students will post their video to blackboard. They will name their link using their first and last initial only followed by “constructvideo” Example: John Brown and Susie Que jb_sq_constructvideo 4. They will then comment on at least two other videos posted by their classmates. They will need to include 1) the name of the construction in their classmates video, and 2) feedback on their classmates construction. Feedback should be positive, and students may use constructive criticism if they notice any mistakes in their classmates video. Students will work with a partner to video themselves completing a specific construction assigned to them by the teacher. They will upload their video to blackboard and comment on each others videos to name the construction in the video as well as provide feedback to each other’s work. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass. Constructions include: -copying an angle -copying a segment -perpendicular bisectors -angle bisectors To critique each others constructions by provided feedback to each other constructions. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Insert the brief description from the “R” task card here. Students will work with a partner to video themselves completing a specific construction. They will upload their video to blackboard and comment on each others videos to name the construction in the video as well as provide feedback to each other’s work. Insert the learning objective(s) from the “R” task card here. To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass. To critique each others constructions by provided feedback to each other constructions. Insert the suggested technology from the “R” task card here. iPads, Blackboard Insert the brief description from the “M” task card here. Students will complete this individual assignment in the computer lab. They will use the compass tool on ActivInspire to complete construction in a flipchart provided on Blackboard. The students will submit their work to Blackboard for a grade when finished. Insert the learning objective(s) from the “M” task card here. To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass on computer software. Insert the suggested technology from the “M” task card here. Computers, ActivInspire, Blackboard Insert the brief description from the “A” task card here. Students will scan QR codes in the classroom that will link them to videos of specific constructions. The students will have to identify which construction is taking place in the video and record their answers. Insert the learning objective(s) from the “A” task card here. To identify basic constructions based on steps illustrated in videos. Students will collaborate to draw conclusions about specific steps illustrated in construction videos. Insert the suggested technology from the “A” task card here. iPads, i-nigma app, QR codes Insert the brief description from the “S” task card here. Students will work together in groups to make formal geometric contstuctions on a worksheet provided by the teacher. They will watch videos of the constructions on iPads to do so. Insert the learning objective(s) from the “S” task card here. To make basic constructions using a straightedge and compass. Insert the suggested technology from the “S” task card here. iPads Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement