SEN D reforms in Gloucestershire Building Better Lives 27 th September 2013
Numbers of children with SEN D Early Years/School Action 3000 Early Years/School Action Statutory assessment 637 post 16 education 347 GCC social care funded year old service users
By 2014 the government will introduce: –A single assessment process 0-25 which is more streamlined, better involves children, young people and families and is completed quickly; –An Education, Health and Care Plan which brings services together and is focused on improving outcomes; and –An offer of a personal budget for families with an Education, Health and Care Plan. –Joint Commissioning for education, health and care provision –Local Offer providing information on services Govt SEN D commitments
Key Issues Final new Code of Practice expected May 2014, encompassing colleges as well as all schools New process & plans must be used from 1 Sept 2014 for Education Health Care Plan process 20 weeks (currently 26) For 16 + the young person will be the only one who can appeal to tribunal unless s/he lacks capacity Statutory duty to include children/young people and parents in developing the Local Offer Statutory duty for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) to plan and provide for SEN D Statutory duty for CCGs to secure any health provision in the EHC plan
Fundamentals for implementation in Gloucestershire These proposals are based on fundamental values: Living within our means Providing the basics Helping people and communities to help themselves
Gloucestershire’s Outcomes for Disabled People People with disabilities are fully integrated and included in every aspect of an inclusive life within Gloucestershire. A life of work, leisure and family enjoyed in their own community and recognizing each person’s unique contributions and strengths.
Messages from young people I don’t know if I have been offered or had an assessment Professionals are ‘too bossy’ Outside of school/college I am not given information in the format I need I do not know what I want to do with my life You never see the same professional twice, and they won’t make decisions People ask me the same stupid questions Professionals use ‘big words that I don’t understand’ My mum deals with the professionals I do not know whether I have been listened to
Messages from parents Share all the information, not just parts of it Be transparent – I need to understand how decisions are made, and why Be open and honest Synchronise education, health, social care Focus on life outcomes not service outcomes Involve me in decision-making Put everything in a single plan Take a ‘tell us once’ approach We’re aware of pressure on budgets – focus on effective use of resources We want educational settings to be more open and creative and mainstream schools more welcoming
We propose to put in place A SEN D journey that is a partnership A single and graduated pathway from self- directed support through to formal EHC plans Processes designed to synchronise planning and commissioning A commitment to share full information Transparency at all stages
Joint commissioning Gather information Early intervention/ Enablement coordinate information single list of outcomes calculate resources build support plan Review Recalculate resources EHC Plan Multi-agency outcomes-focused Plan with PB if eligible
Joint commissioning A framework and set of principles to be adopted by Education, Health and Social Care in delivering joint commissioning A governance structure and process to provide oversight of joint commissioning A timeline and framework for the development of the JSNA to inform joint commissioning That implementation will include arrangements for commissioning through Personal Budgets That all of the above are published in Gloucestershire’s Local Offer
The Local Offer Clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available. Making provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations. Not simply a directory of existing services.
The Local Offer Build on The Key website and FIS Service Directory. Add a ‘local offer’ button to front page Enable feedback and review – statutory duty to publish comments Consider introducing wizards - helping people to help themselves Deliver transactional elements through Gloucestershire’s eMarketplace Link to school and college local offers on their own websites Use ‘transparent’ site so young people and parent carers can shape development
Helping people to help themselves Joint commissioning should create an environment that promotes and supports an ordinary life for children and young people with SEN D, and their families, minimising demand for specialist services The Local Offer should make it as easy as possible for people to find what they need to live, learn, work and do activities, making decisions without needing or wanting additional professional intervention Professionals should be enabling, focused on supporting mainstream/universal providers to include children with SEN D, building the resilience of families and making environments accessible for all
Parallel paths – finding the right route to a better life Education, Health & Care Plan Multi-agency support Plan Education needs additional support Education ok Health/social care needs additional support Education ok Health/social care needs additional support
The EHC Pathway What’s new? The Open Conversation Resource allocation & joint sign-off Resource allocation & joint sign-off Brokerage
The Open Conversation (part 1) Coordinate assessment information Undertake integrated needs analysis Agree single list of outcomes Agree lead professional/support planner
Receive & consider indicative resource allocation Draft plan to achieve outcomes within resources identify all options, not just standard solutions, but informal support, community resources and ordinary answers cost options evaluate risks and benefits of each option The Open Conversation (part 2)
Funding EHC Personal Budgets Additional NHS Continuing care funding & additional NHS resources if agreed Social Care Resource Personal Budget Education High-Needs Block Pupil/student Additional education funding if agreed by schools/colleges Delegated funding
Individual Funding Arrangements Personal Budget Health Resource Education Resource Social Care Resource Individual Commissioning
EHC Personal Budgets A Personal Budget can be managed in 3 ways: 1. Notional budget 2. Actual budget held by a third party 3. Direct payment
Brokerage Finding and creating ways in which the child/young person's outcomes might be achieved, not just through standard solutions, but informal support, community resources and ordinary answers. Evaluating the risks and benefits of each idea to arrive at one detailed and coherent plan Turning the plan into reality, including by agreeing contracts or recruiting staff, and co-ordinating all the plan's elements.
Monitoring & Review Review EHC plans at least annually Recalculate resource allocation Step-down when appropriate Feedback to JSNA & Joint commissioning Feedback through Local Offer
Functions L isten and understand (assessment) Coordination of assessment information Analysis of need and specification of outcomes Resource Allocation calculation Brokerage – support planning & procurement Personal budgets – SLAs,care plan calculations check, invoice management, data inputting for monitoring PBs
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