on the case of German has 4 cases NOMINATIVE ACCUSATIVE GENITIVE DATIVE
CASE NOTES Nouns mostly don’t show case, but any article in front of them does. So the der die das or ein eine ein will change according to case. However, in addition, masculine and neuter nouns add –(e)s in the genitive (singular only). Pronouns don’t have a genitive form. desderdeseineseinereines What are the GENITIVE forms? evidence? What’s the der no plural form definite article indefinite article pronouns and possessives like mein, dein, etc No genitive. We use mein, dein, etc instead. +(e)s..... But if there is a possessive, (my, your etc) that will show case, reflecting pretty much what the definite article does. So for the genitive, that will be meiner, deiner, seiner, ihrer, unserer, eurer
EVIDENCE the genitive case is used to show possession, ie of..... definite article indefinite article Ich sah nur das Ende des Filmes. Das ist das Haus meines Onkels. Am Anfang der Woche. Die Liebe einer Tochter. evidence? more In English we can show possession either by using of the, as in the end of the film or by using ’s as in my uncle’s house. Note the German word order is always the same – genitive bit comes second. -es or –s? the rough rule is if noun is just one syllable, add –es if noun is more than one syllable, add -s
EVIDENCE the genitive case is also used after some prepositions (not very many!) definite article indefinite article Wegen des Wetters bleiben wir zu Hause. Ich bin während einer Deutschstunde eingeschlafen. evidence? more
CASE NOTES Well, that just about sums up the evidence on this particular case. Don’t forget to add the –s or –es to masculine and neuter nouns (singular only). So its..... © Rob Courtney King Edward VI School Southampton CASE CLOSED