Draft East Shields and Whitburn Area Plan
Recognises each part of the borough is different Identify the needs and priorities for the area Be both strategic and local Set out what has been achieved so far Identify what the Council and our partners will do Form the core business of future CAF meetings Put community engagement at the heart of all we do What will the Area Plan involve? The South Tyneside Plan Long Term Vision People and Place – 20 Year Strategic aims Big Things to Do 4 – 5 year Strategic Priorities
Top Ten Strategic Aims These are the strategic aims that we want to deliver over the next 20 years: People Better education & skills Less people in poverty Protect children & vulnerable adults Stable & independent families Healthier people Place A regenerated South Tyneside with increased business & jobs Better transport Better housing & neighbourhoods A clean & green environment Less crime & safer Communities
4 Priority Aims over the Next 5 Years Stable and Independent Families A Regenerated South Tyneside with increased business and jobs Healthier PeopleBetter Housing and Neighbourhoods
Stable and Independent Families Big Things to Do Rethink adult care services so they offer more personalised support Improve housing support services to meet the needs of vulnerable people Improve early intervention and family support to enable more children to stay safely with their families Improve outcomes for children in care
Stable and Independent Families What else is happening in East Shields and Whitburn? Improve access to community facilities Implementation of BSF and TOPS New play provision OFSTED Praise for Horsley Hill Childrens centre Annual Horsley Hill Fun Day Whitburn Festival New Model of Youth Service delivery
Better Housing and Neighbourhoods Big things to do Increase supply and mix of good quality housing to meet the needs and aspirations of current and future residents Reduce the number of long term empty properties in the borough Improve access to schools, services and jobs in neighbourhoods Ensure the sustainability of our housing estates Ensure we have sufficient, fit for purpose accommodation for older people
Better Housing and Neighbourhoods What else is happening in East Shields and Whitburn? Work with Safer Neighbourhoods Team to target community safety activities – Harton Moor Week in Action Funding available through the Local Transport Plan to meet residents needs Funding available from the CAF for Housing, Environmental and Social schemes together with Decent Homes programme Frank Haslam Milan (FHM) and Housing 21 are building a development of 27 new homes on the former derelict Rackly Way site close to the coast and within reach of the village centre. Cleadon Park Regeneration Druridge Crescent Bungalows Horsley Hill Square Regeneration
Healthier People Big Things to Do Improve mental health and well being Reduce smoking prevalence and narrow the gap in smoking prevalence between social groups Reduce obesity through better diet and more physical activity Reduce alcohol consumption Improve preventative services and early intervention and treatment for long term conditions and cancer
Healthier People What else is happening in East Shields and Whitburn? Access to Health Provision Tobacco Control and Cessation Provision of Play/Youth Facilities New Cleadon Park Primary Care Centre and Library Marsden Lane Health Centre Refurbishment Health Trainers Older Persons Festival
Regeneration and increased business and Jobs Big Things to Do Improve our town centres and create sustainable neighbourhoods Support and develop our key sectors Educate, retain and attract young people and raise their aspirations Maximise the impact of the riverside assets and the A19 corridor Promote the area as best for business to attract, grow and retain businesses
Regeneration and increased business and Jobs What else is happening in East Shields and Whitburn? Deliver rebranding and rebadging of key tourist venues in South Tyneside, including Gateways We will be developing a local approach to the implementation of the Governments new Get Britain Working programme Economic Development is focused on working with the private sector to create new jobs for the borough Employment drop in sessions Wellands lane Advice Centre Tyne Gateway Community Entrepreneurs
Making it happen Identification of area priorities Greater coordination Actions to be reported and monitored at CAF’s Local scrutiny ensuring value for money Partnership arrangements; Crime and Community Safety (SNT’s) Children and Young People ( Area managers) Local groups/partnerships Area Coordinator Community Engagement Annual report and refresh
Timeline Mapping of CAF Areas Sept 2011 onwards Meetings with Partners/Members Nov 2011 Workshop sessions Dec 2011 CAF Plans complete for each area March 2012