ELPA21 Data Entry Interface (DEI) Overview Training Webinar Copyright © 2014 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
After viewing this presentation, you should be able to: Understand what the Data Entry Interface is and how to access it Enter student responses into the DEI for ELPA21 test questions Use the different features available in the DEI Webinar Objectives 2
The DEI is used to enter student responses for students taking the ELPA21 test on paper accommodated forms. Students take the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections using the paper accommodated (large print and braille) forms and CD player, as guided by the Test Administrator (TA) using the DFA. It is also helpful to have the DEI User Guide available throughout this process for easy reference. TA (or other designated trained staff member) transfers all the Listening, Reading, and Writing selected response answers into the Data Entry Interface (DEI) without the student present. TA logs into the DEI and gets to the Speaking items; the TA uses the DFA to walk the student through the Speaking questions; the student uses the paper form to see the stimulus and listen with their headset to hear any additional stimulus, and then speaks into the microphone on their headset to record answers directly into the DEI system. What is the DEI? 3
TIDE is the “home” for all student data and accommodations for ELPA21. Before a TA can enter responses in DEI for a student, that student’s record should be verified in TIDE to ensure that the student’s ELPA21 flag has been set. This should occur through the nightly file transfer from CEDARS. If needed, OSPI, DCs, and DAs can select ‘Explicit Test Eligibility’ for ELPA21 in TIDE on the Student Information page tab and save changes. This will allow the responses to be entered without having to wait for the next nightly file to process. TIDE for ELPA21 4
To access the TA Interface and start a test session, select the “ELPA21” icon from the portal homepage. Accessing the Data Entry Interface 5
Select the “Data Entry Interface” icon from the ELPA21 User Card to access the DEI for the operational assessments. Accessing the Data Entry Interface 6
7 After selecting the DEI icon, login with your username and password. If you are identified with a TA role for other state assessments, you will use the same credentials to login and administer ELPA21. If you need a login, talk with your School Test Coordinator.
You will be prompted to enter information for the student you are testing. Enter the student’s first name and SSID, then click Sign In. Accessing the Data Entry Interface 8
Verify that the student’s demographic information is correct. If any information is incorrect, click No and then contact your School Test Coordinator. If all of the student’s information is correct, click Yes. Accessing the Data Entry Interface 9
Test and Form Selection 10
Select the correct form number from the drop-down menu. This is the form number of the TA Kit that was administered to the student. Test and Form Selection 11 You can find the form number listed on the cover of the test booklets.
Sound Check 12
Test and Form Selection 13
Entering Data 14
TA (or other designated trained staff member) transfers all the Listening, Reading, and Writing selected response answers into the Data Entry Interface (DEI) without the student present. TA logs into the DEI and gets to the Speaking items; the TA uses the DFA to walk the student through the Speaking questions; the student uses the paper form to see the stimulus and listen with their headset to hear any additional stimulus, and then speaks into the microphone on their headset to record answers directly into the DEI system. Reminder about the Speaking Segment
Submitting the Test 16
Please note that you must click the Finished button in order to submit scores. Scores not submitted this way by the close of the test window will not be accepted for scoring. Submitting the Test 17
You will receive one more opportunity to review your entries. You may review your entries again or Submitting the Test 18 submit the test for scoring. While reviewing, you may click Done Entering Data at any time to return to this page. You must click the Submit Test button in order to submit scores.
End of Test and Review 19
Submitting the Test 20
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