What are Complete Streets?
Complete Streets place an emphasis on alternative modes of transportation being incorporated into the streetscape and design. Alternative transportation may include bike lanes, bus lanes and in very dense areas, light rail and streetcars.
On street parking and wider sidewalks are intended to encourage greater pedestrian activity and promote slower traffic movements, theoretically making the environment safer for both pedestrians and vehicles alike. The concept send to address the design and aesthetics of streets, not just the function.
Components of a “Complete Street” Landscaping “Hardscape” – benches, lampposts, civic spaces Accessibility – ramps, mats Transit – Bus stops, Bus lanes, pull outs, light rail tracks Bicycles – Bike lanes, Bike share facilities Pedestrians – Sidewalks, Bump outs Mixed – Use – Commercial and residential together Connectivity – Multiple entrances, minimum block lengths, prohibited cul-de-sacs and multiple intersections
"Complete Streets” also means re-zoning to encouraging mixed- uses such as residential above commercial spaces as part of street reconstruction.
Emphasis on Street “Connectivity” Planners seek to reduce congestion on arterial streets and the safety issues involved in single access points between a local residential street and an arterial, by requiring developers to build multiple intersections in new developments. 6
Emphasis on Street “Connectivity” The typical post WW II development that includes limited “connections” between local streets minor collector streets, arterial streets and have streets without sidewalks is considered antithetical to a Complete Streets focus.
Often times local residential streets do not have the traffic levels needed to comply with complete streets programs. Complete Streets may only be emphasized in areas with a mix of uses and higher density. When a City considers a Complete Streets ordinance, local residential streets could be exempt from such requirements. Also, some communities use a “Connectivity Index” formula that allows for a compromise between the need for privacy and safety and the need for traffic congestion management. Concerns with Complete Streets
Complete Streets often incorporate lavish landscaping and “hardscaping” such as vintage lampposts, such as seen here on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, MA Concerns with Complete Streets
Developers could be required to dedicate off-site improvements as part of a complete streets program that are much more expensive than conventional roadway improvements. A blanket “ban” on these existing street patterns by passing a complete streets ordinance could create an economic disincentive to develop in the jurisdiction Concerns with Complete Streets
Requiring connections within new developments into existing communities can create heavy NIMBY resistance to new development, Can lengthen the approval process and add cost, which can lead to an increase in housing costs, 11
Conclusions on Complete Streets We support the communities interests in providing for more transportation options, or for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users to enjoy a secure and user –friendly environment. However, we do have concerns with the Complete Streets concept. Therefore, we would like to reiterate areas that should be considered. A balanced approach to this issue will ensure a more varied and inclusive community that appeals to all residents and home buyers.
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