Alexander Müller Assistant Director-General Natural resources management and environment O.i.C, CGRFA Secretariat The Climate Change Challenge to Food.


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Presentation transcript:

Alexander Müller Assistant Director-General Natural resources management and environment O.i.C, CGRFA Secretariat The Climate Change Challenge to Food Security with a focus on Genetic Resources: the FAO perspective

Climate-vulnerable developing countries with low incomes, hunger and poverty will be most impacted Such countries will suffer % declines in overall potential agricultural productivity in case of more than 2 °C rise Instability in food production will increase due to extreme events and migration of pests and diseases Agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors: about 1/3 of global anthropogenic GHG emissions but also large technical mitigation potential Climate Change and Food Security

Climate change will become a major driver of biodiversity loss, including genetic erosion A wide range of genetic resources of crops, animals, microorganisms forest and aquatic species will be needed Interdependence among countries on genetic resources for food and agriculture will increase The resilience of many food ecosystems is likely to be exceed, with loss of ecosystem services Climate Change and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Genetic diversity will underpin adaptation to climate change in food and agriculture but long-term efforts and investments are required now Biodiverse agroecosystems improve resilience and energy efficiency Community based management of agricultural biodiversity is critical to local adaptation But...Genetic diversity is still overlooked in the Climate Change negotiations Climate change: the role of genetic diversity

Actively conserve genetic diversity most threatened by climate change Invest in long-term programmes for characterization; evaluation and breeding of climate-ready genetic resources Strengthen community based management of agricultural biodiversity for adaptation Develop access and benefit-sharing policies which consider country interdependence due to climate change Strategic Action (I): strengthen policies and programmes on genetic resources for food and agriculture

Integrate genetic diversity and food security in the Climate Change negotiations (Copenhagen and beyond) Improve dialogue between international forums (CGRFA; ITPGRFA; UNFCCC; CBD) Design and support financing mechanisms to cope with climate change and encourage conservation and use of genetic diversity Strategic Action (II): build a coherent global approach to genetic diversity, food security and climate change

YEAR PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES (PGR) Update of The State of the World’s PGR Update of Global Plan of Action PGR Update of The State of the World’s PGR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Follow-up to the Interlaken Conference Review of imple- mentatio: Interlaken outcomes Update of The State of the World’s AnGR Genetic Resources, Food Security and Climate Change in FAO: the Multi-year Programme of Work of the Commission

YEAR AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES (AqGR) Review of information base and key issues for the State of the World’s AqGR Presentation of The State of the World’s AqGR Development of elements of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries related to AqGR FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES (FoGR) Key issues for The State of the World’s FoGR Presentation of The State of the World’s FoGR MICRO- ORGANISMS AND INVERTEBRATES Scoping Study on Micro-organisms & Invertebrates Review of Key issues on Micro- organisms & Invertebrates Review work on Micro-organisms & Invertebrates The Commission’s Multi-year Programme of Work of the Commission: major outputs and milestones

YEAR CROSS- SECTORIAL MATTERS Access and benefit-sharing for genetic resources for food and agriculture Application of biotechnologies in the conservation & sustainable utilization of genetic resources for food and agriculture Climate change and genetic resources for food and agriculture Targets and indicators for biodiversity for food and food and agriculture The ecosystem approach to biodiversity management in agriculture, forestry and fisheries Biodiversity for food and agriculture and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals Presentation of The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture The Commission’s Multi-Year Programme of Work: Major Outputs and Milestones

Climate change will mostly affect food security of the poorest regions which already high levels of food insecurity Sound management of genetic diversity and ecosystems will underpin adaptation to climate change in food and agriculture The challenges of food security, climate change, and biodiversity need a coherent global policy approach Conclusions

FAO Conference: a unique opportunity to emphasize need of a coherent approach to genetic diversity and climate change within FAO A major component of such coherent approach is being developed by the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Strong message about genetic diversity is needed in Climate Change negotiations (Copenhagen and beyond) Next Steps: Climate Change and genetic resources