GROUP 2 Jonathan Borchardt Vincent Botto Carol January Desiré Borain Richard Bosman Japie Hugo Babalwa Mothibi Elizabeth Laing NDP Chapters 5-8
NDP Chapter 5 Environmental sustainability and resilience
SA has an abundance of natural resources and mineral deposits, which can fund the transition to a low-carbon future and a more diverse and inclusive economy. Developmental challenges must be addressed in a manner that ensures environmental sustainability and builds resilience to the effects of climate change, particularly in poorer communities. Investment in skills, technology and institutional capacity is critical to support the development of a more sustainable society and the transition to a low-carbon economy. Focused, institutionalised capacity building and management structures are needed. Key Points
Carbon-pricing mechanisms that target specific mitigation opportunities need to be implemented. Consumer awareness initiatives and sufficient recycling infrastructure should result in South Africa becoming a zero-waste society. The development of environmentally sustainable green products and services, including renewable energy technologies, will contribute to the creation of jobs in niche markets where South Africa has or can develop a competitive advantage. Key Points
What must be done Sustain South Africa’s ecosystems and using natural resources efficiently Build sustainable communities Respond effectively to climate change: mitigation Respond effectively to climate change: adaptation Manage a just transition Enhance governance systems and capacity Actions
NDP Chapter 6 Inclusive rural development
Agricultural sector as a driver for job creation Optimization of agricultural land and production Infrastructure upgrade to support upstream and downstream spin offs Improve basic services for rural communities Key Points
Alignment with IDP: IDP silent on agricultural sector At least four agricultural nodes in Cape Town – Philippi, Constantia, Durbanville, Kuilsrivier Applicability to CT
NDP Chapter 7 South Africa in the region and the world
Increasing global political economic competition for natural resources and market share Need a clear strategy of SA’s place in region, on the continent and in the world for the next years Role SA can play in BRICS group Draw in business community as ultimately it is private companies that do business across borders. Key Points
Goal 2/5 Aggressively expand trade and investment in the region, continent and globally. This will require: Developing hard infrastructure (road and rail) Developing soft infrastructure (trade facilitation systems, SCM, customs control & admin systems) Identification of specific trade, manufacturing and industrial niches where the country enjoys competitive advantages to make full use of the Fast Asian Economies Actions
Developing hard infrastructure (road and rail) Road bottlenecks to Port, Belcon, Broadband and overseas cable, direct flights? Developing soft infrastructure (trade facilitation systems, SCM, customs control & admin systems) Customs clearance at Belcon, tariffing of port for local growth? Identification of specific trade, manufacturing and industrial niches where the country enjoys competitive advantages to make full use of the Fast Asian Economies Tapping into China / India - Brazil freight and value- add? Film industry, BPO, Oil & Gas, Applicability to CT
NDP Chapter 8 Transforming Human Settlements
Spatial Development – SA is not achieving RDP goals of breaking down geography through land reform Colonial and apartheid legacies still exist 7,8 mill urbanized people by 2030 placing pressure on municipalities to deliver service create more housing services and infrastructure through urban development better located mixed income and mixed used houses needed Key Points
National, provincial and local government coordination Lack of spatial framework that crosses municipal, provincial higher density housing developments Well located areas Major improvement in public transport link to fragmented places Higher employment levels in townships and informal settlements Not lose access to public green and open spaces Design with amenities that can foster the formation of communities and social interaction Actions
Lack of guiding framework for National Spatial development No and poor boundary co-ordination A simple differentiated approach to spatial planning Reduce inefficiencies in processing planning applications Lack of capacity in project management skills Informal settlements - provides land and urban opportunities for the poor In situ upgrades City reality : Has the funding to build infrastructure land availability density