1 Hosted by GSA, EPA, & Federal Executive Boards September 29, 2015 Region 10 Interagency Workgroup Kickoff Meeting
2 Welcome from GSA, EPA, and FEB; Highlights of past accomplishments Executive Order 13693: Section 10 Leading Sustainable Actions through Collective Federal Efforts Report Out Next steps Thank you and Adjourn Agenda
3 Welcome/Highlight of Past Successes
4 Energy Target: 30% reduction by FY2015 from 2003 baseline o Current result: 29% reduction Water Target: 26% reduction by FY2020 from 2007 baseline o Current result: 15% reduction Waste Diversion Target: 50% waste diversion by FY2015 o Current result: 65% diversion rate LEED NC Certification: 6 LEED EB Certification: 10 Guiding Principles: 14 Green Teams: 20 Green Teams Accomplishments
5 Facilities to commit to a minimum 5% annual reduction in two of the six target areas:
estimated cost savings of more than $24 million to U.S. Taxpayers 6 Sent 457 tons of end of life electronics to third party certified recyclers Saved 107 million cubic feet of natural gas Reduced fleet distance traveled by 12.3 million miles Avoided purchasing 15,000 pounds of office paper Saved 80 million gallons of water Diverted 390,000 tons of waste from landfills 2014 National Results
7 Regional Results Our combined efforts from in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Alaska result in an estimated cost savings over $13.5 million to U.S. taxpayers. R10 Partner efforts in FY14 resulted in an estimated cost savings of over $2.4 million dollars to US taxpayers Our FGC participants have grown from 20 to 53 facilities representing 38 agencies. FY14 yielded 1 national award and 6 regional awards
8 SFEB Sustainability Spotlight Past Accomplishments
9 Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade Executive Order 13693
10 The EPA and GSA Regional office shall, in coordination with Federal Executive Boards, DOD and other agencies as appropriate, convene regional interagency workgroups to identify and address: (a) sustainable operations of Federal fleet vehicles, (b) water resource management and drought response opportunities; (c) climate change preparedness and resilience planning in coordination with State, local, and tribal communities; and (d) opportunities for collective procurement of clean energy to satisfy energy demand for multiple agency buildings. Section 10: Regional Coordination
11 Fleet Target Reduce per mile GHG emissions 30% by 2025 Incorporate zero emission and plug-in hybrid vehicles into fleet purchases, 50% by 2025 Water Target 2% per year reduction in potable use through 2025 2% per year reduction in industrial, landscaping and agriculture water use through 2025 Extension of previous 2020 water targets Clean Energy Targets 25% of total energy (electric and thermal) of building electric and thermal energy will come from clean sources by 2025 At least 30% of the electricity portion of total energy will be obtained by renewable electricity Other Targets Purchasing, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Buildings, Suppliers EO Agency Specific Actions
Links to info on EO 13693: Executive Order Implementation plan of the EO (this came out in late June 2015):Implementation plan of the EO 12
13 Discuss one of the 4 Priority Areas 1) Fleet Operations and Management 2) Water Resource Management 3) Climate Preparedness and Resilience Planning 4) Collective Procurement of Clean Energy Break into 4 groups: Brainstorm One Priority Area Each Satellite Office Participants (AK – Climate, OR – Energy) One Recorder in Each Group, Hand GSA Your Draft Action Plan at the End Review and Add to the Draft Action Plan Potential Actions for Collaboration Things Already Happening that Should Continue Report out Small Group Discussion
14 Confirm Lead Agency for Each Priority Area Request that Leads Determine How Best to Meet and Continue Working on our Regional Action Plan Submit to GSA by Friday, October 23 rd GSA to submit draft plan to CEQ by Friday, October 30 th Follow up Interagency Workgroup meeting is Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Closing remarks Next steps and Wrap Up
Thank you! Contact info: Viccy Salazar, EPA R10 Senior Sustainability Advisor Michael C. Okoro, GSA R10, Chief Energy and Environments Branch Jill Nogi, EPA, RCRA, Prevention and Materials Management Unit Manager Theresa Blaine, EPA R10 Federal Green Challenge Coordinator Doreen Sheih, GSA R10, Sustainability Program Specialist 15