Welcome to our parent and child Easter maths evening Aims: 1.To share with you how we teach mental maths and how you can support your child at home. 2.For you to engage with your child’s maths learning and (whilst having fun!) to develop your awareness of the using and applying activities we do in school. 3.For you to know where to go for further information and support in developing your child’s learning.
What other dominoes can be placed to make a total of 14 dots, 18 dots, 20 dots?
Why is mental maths important to your child? Your children need all the help they can get to: Enjoy mathematical activities Feel confident in tackling mathematical problems in everyday life Become creative thinkers Be motivated to learn and acquire new skills
Mathematical thinking is important for all members of a modern society as a habit of mind for its use in the workplace, business and finance, and for personal decision making! Dfe statutory programmes of study for mathematics - the importance of mathematics. ‘I was never very good at maths so my child won’t be’ ‘His dad/mum is the maths person’ ‘It’s boring’ It doesn’t make sense’ ‘I can’t understand it’ ‘When do you need to do this in real life?’ FEAR! How are we preparing Dean Valley pupils?
How do our children think? What is their habit of mind? Mathematical thinking as a habit of mind: I’m always wrong Copy the learning objective for today You will be working at Level 4.3 Oh no! I’m stuck Mathematical thinking as a habit of mind: What can I figure out? Who can I talk to about this? What can I find out for myself? I’m stuck…..good – I like a challenge
Areas we need to develop in mental maths include: Addition and subtraction Multiplication & division Number bonds Known number facts Inverse operations Patterns and relationships
Write as many number facts as you can using the numbers within each of the triangles...
What mental methods do we teach in school? Addition and Subtraction Knowing number bonds to 10 off by heart Counting on or back from a given number in steps of constant size EG. Count on in 2’s from 15 (Can they do this from any given number and not just zero?)
What mental methods do we teach in school? Addition and subtraction To add and subtract a multiple of 10 and adjust EG = – 1 = 46 And the same for the inverse 46 – 9 = = 37 OR 235 – 198 = 235 – = = – 2 = 433 To add near doubles = double 8 =
What mental methods do we teach in school? Addition and Subtraction Partitioning = Partition tens (3 + 7 = 10 so = 100) Partition units (Adding near doubles 7+7+1=15) Recombine = 115 Adding and subtracting decimals = = Then – 0.1 = 12.3
What mental methods do we teach in school? Multiplication and Division Knowing multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 off by heart and the inverse 7 x 4 = 28 therefore, 28 divided by 4 = 7 Doubling and halving both even and odd numbers Eg. Half of 23 = half 20 = 10 + half 3 = = 11.5
What mental methods do we teach in school? Multiplication and Division Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 Children need to understand that we don’t just add a zero but increase or decrease the value of each number by 10, 100 and X 10 = 130 However 13 shared by 10 = 1.3 (No zero is omitted)
What mental methods do we teach in school? Multiplication and Division Multiplying and dividing multiples of 10, 100 or 1000 using known times tables facts EG. 3 X 7 = X 7= X 70 = X 70 = X 700 =
What mental methods do we teach in school? Multiplication and Division Multiplying by partitioning 15 x 9 = (10 x 9 = 90) + (5 x 9 = 45) = 135 However using known number facts, some children would have completed: 5 x 10 = 150 – 15 (one lot of 15) = 135
What mental methods do we teach in school? Multiplication and Division Multiplying decimals… 3.7 X 8 = 3 X 8 = X 8 = (7X8=56) 56 divided by 10 = 5.6 (as 0.7 is 10 x less than 7) = 29.6
Use all your known number facts to find number sentences with the answer:
Include shape work
Have fun!
How can you help your child develop mental maths skills at home? Board games e.g. Monopoly Darts Card games DS brain training Cooking (weighing amounts) Games on the way to school or in the car- adding up car number plates. “What is the biggest number you can make?” “ Multiply the numbers!”
Using Dean Valley’s Website to access maths games and resources at home If you visit our website If you click the ‘school information’ tab on the top toolbar you can choose the ‘maths evening’ link and see all the information from this evenings session and much more.