Assessment It’s very different!
Levels are out… How were children assessed with levels? best fit every child could achieve a level Attainment expected at Year 6 – level 4
Age Related Expectations are in… each year group has own objectives no standardised method of recording attainments children can only be: -at age related expectations -below ARE -above ARE
Statutory Assessments Baseline assessment in Reception (Foundation Stage) Phonics Check in Year 1 KS1/2 -tests in maths, reading, punctuation, grammar and spelling -teacher assessment in writing -next year…an online times tables test (maybe)
What is the ARE score? Scores are standardised so that a band around 100 = ARE
KS1 teacher assessment m/uploads/attachment_data/file/461547/Interi m_teacher_assessment_frameworks_at_the_en d_of_key_stage_1_PDFA.pdf
KS2 teacher assessment criteria m/uploads/attachment_data/file/473675/Interi m_teacher_assessment_frameworks_at_the_en d_of_key_stage_2_PDFA_V3.pdf
How is this changing the way we teach? more emphasis on handwriting and spelling more emphasis on technical aspects of writing more emphasis on children knowing grammar terminology more emphasis on arithmetic and formal methods in maths national expectations raised considerably
What is the same? We still place an emphasis on creativity. We still use imaginative enquiry. We still go to music/sporting events and other exciting school trips. We still encourage children to do big thinking, to be reflective, responsive, ethical, compassionate and, more importantly than ever, resilient!
How can you help? practise spellings repeatedly practise times tables until they can say them in their sleep! ;-) ensure that they read widely for pleasure daily read to your children and let them read to you discuss the texts you share (Reading resilience and speed is key!) Watch television (age appropriately) and discuss current affairs, soaps etc.
Useful links for parents of children in Years 2 and 6 KS1 English writing: teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks1-english-writing KS2 English writing: teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks2-english-writing KS1 mathematics, working at the expected standard: teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks1-mathematics KS2 mathematics, working at the expected standard: teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks2-mathematicshttps:// teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks1-english-writinghttps:// teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks2-english-writinghttps:// teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks1-mathematicshttps:// teacher-assessment-exemplification-ks2-mathematics