Short Stories and Literary Terms Mr. Dean English 9
Setting What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read the word setting? location details
Setting The time, place, physical details, and circumstances in which a situation occurs. Settings include the background, atmosphere or environment in which characters live and move, and usually include physical characteristics of the surroundings. Settings enables the reader to better envision how a story unfolds by relating necessary physical details of a piece of literature
Theme A common thread or repeated idea that is incorporated throughout a literary work. A theme is a thought or idea the author presents to the reader that may be deep, difficult to understand, or even moralistic. What is a theme ?
Theme Think of the last book you read or movie you watched. Identify a reoccurring theme that was found in the book or film.
Conflict The struggle between opposing forces
Conflict Internal - a character in conflict with self External - a character in conflict with forces or characters outside of her/himself.
Conflict Internal - Man vs. Self (decision, selfishness, doubt, regret) External : Man vs. Society (racism) Man vs. Man (soldiers) Man vs. Nature (storm) Man vs. Supernatural (ghosts/spirits) Man vs. Technology (computers/robots) Brainstorm an example of an internal and external conflict.
Irony A figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. For example: The name of Britain’s biggest dog was “Tiny”. You laugh at a person who slipped stepping on a banana peel and the next thing you know, you slipped too. I posted a video on YouTube about how boring and useless YouTube is. What is irony?
Irony Situational : irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected. A woman has been saving painfully to buy a golden watch. Just hours after buying the watch, her daughter arrives home with the same watch as a gift for her! Brainstorm an example of situational irony
Irony Verbal : when speakers say the opposite of what they mean For example: "Water is as clear as mud" - The person actually says that the water is not at all clear "Isn't it as pleasant as a root canal?" - This implies that whatever occurred was not pleasant at all.
Irony Dramatic: understood by the audience, but not grasped by the characters in the literary work. For example: While reading, you realize that the killer is waiting to strike in the closet, but the main character (soon-to-be-victim) has no idea! In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth appears to be loyal to Duncan, but he is planning Duncan's murder. Duncan doesn't know Macbeth's plans, but the audience knows what is going to happen.
Character A person in a book, poem, play, or movie.
Static Character Does not change, grow, learn or mature through the course of a work
Dynamic Character Undergoes an important inner change Personality Attitude Feelings
Round Character a character in fiction whose personality, background, motives, and other features are fully delineated by the author. Well developed We know what they look like, how they act, habits, etc. Most like real people
Flat Character an easily recognized character who may not be fully delineated, but is useful in carrying out some narrative purpose of the author. Almost a “background” character. “That guy”
Wait, what’s the difference? Dynamic and static characters are identified by the change or lack of change they experience in a novel or story. Round or flat characters are identified based on details the author provides in the piece of writing.
So…. A character can be round and static at the same time. The character is well developed, but does not change during the story.
And… A character can be round and dynamic at the same time. They are well developed and detailed, and they also undergo a change in the story.
Plot Resolution/Conclusion is also referred to as denouement. (DAY-NEW-MAA)