Check your notes with the following information
Summer/Spring – thin reddish-brown fur Fall/Winter – thicker grayish-brown fur White tail used as a warning signal White belly White spots on Fawn’s back for camo
Bucks: lbs avg. Does: lbs avg. Fawns: lbs avg.
Grow new every year Start in April Covered in Velvet until late summer Velvet = soft, fuzzy covering over growing antler Lots of blood flow in velvet Antlers shed in January Used to fight for mates, mark territory
Breed in late Oct-early Nov Gestation: 7 months Polygamous – one buck breeds many does Young born in May, 1-3 fawns per litter Young weaned at weeks, hang around Mom for a few months afterward Maturity:Bucks – 1.5 yrs Does – 6 months
Non-migratory 1-2 square mile home range Life expectancy: 2-3 years (max – 15) Generalist herbivore (browser) prefer new growth last resort – tree bark Crepuscular – most active at dawn and dusk
Can jump 8 feet
Hearing: very sensitive – detect danger Smell: very sensitive – detect danger and communicate with other deer Vision: colorblind, limited depth perception, lots of rods Communication: grunts, snorts, wheezes secrete scents from glands & urine
As habitat quality improves…. - deer size increases - antler size increases - breeding activity increases CWD – brain infection in deer (mad cow) EHD – virus transmitted by midges/flies that causes hemorrhaging and lesions (blue- tongue)
Since early 1900’s, White-tailed deer pop has grown from less than 1 million to over 30 million in the US Deer like the suburbs because…. Plenty of food They prefer the more open habitat Few predators Deer like roadways because it provides food (sunny openings for new growth)
Deer do not see well in bright light of day but they do see well at dark Eyes with lots of rods Deer do not see color well Crepuscular – active at dawn and dusk Prefer edge habitat (food & cover)
Summit County has higher numbers of collisions: more people, more roads, more cars leads to more collisions Belmont county has more hunting kills more opportunity (space) hunting has a higher priority
Relationship between hunting data and collision data: areas with more hunting experience fewer collisions Is this a cause-effect relationship? maybe…as hunting has increased in Summit, collisions have gone down