CALCULATION WARM UP! Using the pencil and paper on your chair… Which calculation methods would you use to solve the following?? = = X 126 x 13= ÷ 134 ÷ 11 = Have a go at writing them down…you won’t be asked to share! It will be useful to compare the methods you know with those we are teaching to your child.
AIMS OF THIS MEETING To understand the new developments that have been made to Maths teaching since the introduction of the 2014 curriculum. To understand what your child's Mathematics learning will look like. To know which calculation methods are being taught to your child at school. To consider what can you do at home to help.
Success in math does not depend on how many answers you know, but by what you do when you don't know the answer. Anon
AIMS OF THE 2014 CURRICULUM The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
2014-DEVELOPMENTS TO THE CURRICULUM FOR EXAMPLE: No longer do we have data handling instead we now teach statistics Shape and space has become Geometry Y3: Formal written methods for + & — are introduced Y3: Compare, order & + & — simple fractions Y3: Time including 24h clock & Roman numerals Y4: Solve fractions & decimals problems Y4: Know all multiplication tables to 12 x 12 and their related division facts. Y5: Use decimals to 3dp, including problems Y5: Use standard multiplication & division methods Y5: Multiply fractions by whole numbers Y6: use methods of long division Y6: Calculate the decimal equivalent of fractions Y6: Use formula for area & volume of shapes Y6: Calculate area of triangles & parallelograms Y6: Introductory algebra & equation-solving problems No more probability and calculator skills
TEACHING DEVELOPMENTS Current Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will be the first to sit the new curriculum papers this May. There are no more ‘levels’- children will be given a scaled score to assess whether they are meeting or are not meeting national expectations, standard scores will be communicated to parents. Levels that the current Y3 children were given in July 2015 are not relevant to the new curriculum. Expectations are much higher under the 2014 curriculum, e.g a child who was above average under the 2013 curriculum is now likely to be average when assessed under the requirements of the new curriculum. Please don’t be worried if it seems like your child has ‘gone backwards’!
ARRANGEMENTS FOR KS2 TESTING There will be 3 papers: An arithmetic paper (30 mins). Questions will be context free. They will assess number fact knowledge, standard written calculation strategies and ability to calculate fractions problems. And 2 papers (2 x 40 mins) that will require children to problem solve and reason and apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding to new contexts.
An example page from the arithmetic paper An example question from the reasoning paper
WHAT WILL YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING LOOK LIKE? The children will: Become more efficient at standard written calculation methods. Be able to recall key facts and knowledge. Snappy Maths has been introduced as a competition to encourage the children to learn these key facts with fluency. Learn through real-life contexts and problem-solving. We are working to embed problem-solving throughout our daily Maths teaching- e.g STOPs problem solving. Have a reduced dependency upon calculators Have a high level of challenge The 2014 curriculum requirements are that children are given breadth and challenge and opportunities to ‘master’ a concept or skill and should NOT be accelerated into content from other year groups. This is a big difference to past Mathematics teaching in schools.
SNAPPY MATHS 3 clubAddition facts with numbers to 5 5 club Addition facts with numbers to 10 8 club Addition facts with numbers to club Addition facts with numbers to club 2 x table 22 club 2,5 and 10 x tables 33 club 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 x tables. 44 club 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 x tables. 66 club All the times tables to 12 x 77 club All the times tables to 12 x and related division facts 99 club All the times tables to 12 x and related division facts 99 Club Champion- completing the 99 club in under 4 minutes. 100 club- multiplying and dividing decimals – e.g 0.81 ÷ 9= 100 club champion – completing the 100 club in under 4 minutes. 101 club- multiplying and dividing fractions- e.g 3/5 x 3/6 =
WHICH CALCULATION METHODS ARE WE TEACHING THE CHILDREN? We have a school calculation policy which sets out how each of the four operations +, -, x and ÷ will be taught, e.g: Year group Statutory Expectations (from the 2014 Maths Curriculum) Method 1 – Leading to…. Method 2- Leading to …… Formal Written method 2 For your information TU + U TU + tens TU + TU U + U + U [Show addition of two numbers can be done in any order.] Visual (efficient jumps) = 82 [Also jumps can be in 10s and 1s] No number line = = = = 82 Recording addition in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers = 82 3 Use formal written methods of column addition. TU + TU HTU + TU HTU + HTU Number line = 342Expanded vertical Compact vertical
Our calculation document is used to ensure a consistent approach to children's learning. This document also allows you to see the different methods used and taught across the primary phase. All staff teach from this policy, which means no matter who is teaching your child, teacher or LSA, they will be working on the appropriate strategy. Children who are not working at the current Year group level will work to understand the previous skills and concepts from earlier Year groups and use concrete apparatus and models to support their learning.
WHAT CAN YOU DO AT HOME TO HELP? Allow your child to teach you - let them become the experts and demonstrate their calculation methods to you. Move back to earlier methods to support your child when necessary, referring to the calculation policy. Use practical materials to support- pennies, buttons, pens, hundred squares and times tables grids etc. Please keep to the strategies taught at school; these are requirements at KS2 SATs. Recognise maths in every day situations Help your child to practise SNAPPY MATHS learning of times tables and other key number facts off by heart, 5 second recall- Remember the national target is to know all times tables to 12 x 12 and their related division facts by the end of Year 4. Use of games and puzzles to practise number facts – e.g internet sites (see list in your pack)
Recognise maths in every day situations-
WHAT NEXT…? Please move to each classroom and learn from the children, who will demonstrate some of the methods for you. Make sure you visit both the lower and upper corridor classrooms to see the children at different stages of their learning. Thank you for coming this morning!